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Embrace the Spring season as we move forward into April, stargazers. While this month will certainly come with many beautiful alignments of the stars that favor romance, adventure, and success, there will also be some cosmic clashes, too. When the stars cross swords, it isn’t meant to punish us. No—it is meant to help us evolve and grow in wisdom. After all, this is how the Universe teaches us some of our most important lessons. As we begin the first leg of the zodiac year, we are feeling the impulse to start new journeys. Heed this call! All of the planets will be direct (not retrograde) until April 27, meaning you have an open doorway to proceed faster than you normally would. With the roads open before you, where will you go? This is a truly auspicious time where you can soar faster than ever toward what means the most to you. Do not miss this rare window in time to seize the moment.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

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At the start of the month, the mighty Sun will be roaring through the zodiac sign of Aries. This is often a time of powerful new beginnings, marking the official start of the zodiac year. The zodiac year does not begin in January like our calendars. It actually begins the moment that the Sun moves into Aries—the Spring Equinox. Aries Season is a time that encourages our independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys. While many people worldwide are still in isolation and awaiting their vaccinations from COVID-19, this is a time when you will be encouraged to reflect within and contemplate if your desires in recent months and years have been met—personally, professionally, romantically, spiritually. When you are social distancing at home, you cannot distract yourself and be busy with a million other things. No—you must become comfortable with yourself as if you are a newborn from the womb that must face your true and authentic needs. When all of this is truly over, you can then take this newfound understanding and integrate it into your life. Then, you will create a happier and more fulfilling existence in your path forward and hopefully in all of your relationships. Reflect on what the past year taught you and set forth to change what isn’t working.

Our goddess, Venus, has been touring the hills of Aries and will remain here until April 14. The Fire and Air signs will experience her magnetism more potently. When Venus is in Aries, we are direct and bold in love. This will be a time when you can go after a conquest and start a passionate love affair or take charge in your relationship and bring more adventure to your union. Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, will begin to sizzle on the cliffs of Aries, too, from the 3rd until April 19. This fast transit will make our minds especially active and our words sharp! We are less concerned of objective perspectives and more eager to reach a decision rapidly: particularly one that serves us! Our conversations will be more passionate as we channel the bold and assertive nature of Aries. We will want to take the lead in our communications: for better or worse, and we could end up ruffling some feathers.

Our red planet, Mars, has been spinning within the skies of Gemini since March 3 and this continues until April 23, 2021. Fire needs oxygen to burn, so expect this time to be expansive and vibrant as Mars infuses your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. Collectively, we will be entering a more social time. Joining communities or expanding your network will be highly favored. Our minds may be a bit less focused and more scattered, as we are curious about new ideas and don’t want to sit in one place. We will likely become involved in passionate discussions and will be eager to debate, converse, and defend our opinions. Despite this, though, we will find it easier to negotiate and are more flexible to outside perspectives. As Gemini rules communication, writing, speaking, marketing, branding, advertising, and social media, all of these areas will shine. Consider how you can revamp your presentations and pitch your vision to others. Some extremely important dates to watch will be when Mars crosses over the degrees of previous eclipses in 2020. Keep your eyes peeled for something to pop up that may have previously been triggered by the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14, 2020 near April 12 and 13, 2021. It may surprise you!

Prepare for a fiery current to ignite the cosmos as a New Moon in Aries (22 degrees) demands our attention on April 11, 2021. This New Moon will open a door to you in the week that follows it and encourages you to seize the day and create the life of your dreams. Embrace your independent side and the vision you have for your future. Now is a moment to be aggressive when pursuing your plans. Take the lead — do not sit back and watch as everyone else leaves you behind. Be courageous in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. The actions and plans you launch now will culminate around October 20, 2021. Be brave. Be passionate. Be proud.

Next, the goddess planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters her home zodiac sign of Taurus on April 14, 2021 and will remain until May 8, 2021. Here, she is able to bring forth passionate and sensual romance. She sings a song from above and promises pleasure and abundance to us on Earth. Watch as your heart blooms. New love found now has longevity built within it. It could be the kind of stable relationship you’ve always wanted. Existing unions will benefit from more time relaxing and exploring one another intimately. Artistic talents will also become enhanced, especially those that focus on structure, design, or music. Financial matters should also go quite well now. Attract prosperity to you like a magnet and perhaps you can soon harness the power of King Midas.

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On April 19, the powerful Sun will dance along into Taurus, as well. This season grounds the fiery Aries energy that had taken hold of us previously and helps us to look at how we can create tangible results. However, like the Taurean bull, we will need to plod carefully, slowly, and steadily, to build the things that we want. Mercury, too, will gallop into the fields of Taurus on this same day to remain until May 3. During this time, our minds will be more solid, grounded, and practical. We will be eager to focus on common sense and are more deliberate in all of our communications. We won’t be as eager to rock the boat and may find ourselves falling back on traditional thought patterns. We will seek to simplify our lives and boil our plans down to the necessities. The one flaw to be aware of with this energy is that we may become overly stubborn and rigid in our ideas, so it is best to keep an open mind.


Sizzling Mars will leave behind the windstorms of Gemini to dive into the shallows of Cancer come April 23 until June 11, 2021. The red planet is a fiery one, so it will conflict with the very watery nature of this zodiac sign. Together, it will be as if they are making steam—and we will be the ones boiling! Cancer is a Cardinal zodiac sign, and with Mars here, we will be encouraged to pursue our interests and plans ardently. However, symbolized by the crab that walks sideways, we, too, may take a less direct approach to getting what we desire. Our emotions will become highly intensified in the weeks to come and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by intense mood swings and shifts in our energy levels. When confronted with conflict, we will become highly defensive. Domestic, family, and emotional situations will become especially important to us, as well.

A Full Moon in Scorpio (7 degrees) takes place on April 26, 2021. The energy of this Full Moon will be felt for two to three days before and after. The events that are culminating now will be tied to how you were building your life in the days that followed November 14, 2020. This Full Moon will bring forth many of the aspects of the Water sign, Scorpio, into our conscious awareness. A zodiac sign tied to transformation, rebirth, and sexuality, Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto. Whenever Scorpio energy is being activated, we are drawn to our deep and intense passions, and often in relation to union with others. Pay heed to your hungers and desires. Acknowledge your shadow side. By understanding it, you can better balance it with your light. One last thing to note: Uranus will oppose the Full Moon, heightening emotions further and bringing unexpected, shocking situations for you to face. If there is anything being hidden, prepare for the lightning to strike and bring it out into the open!

Finally, as we approach the final days of April, our long stretch without retrogrades has come to an end. Pluto, planet of death, rebirth, powerful people, large masses of people, and viruses, has been residing within the zodiac sign of Capricorn since 2008 and will continue to do so until 2023. It takes Pluto 244 years to go around the Sun. Whenever Pluto resides in a constellation, whatever that zodiac sign rules goes through a breakdown phase to make room for new growth. This is very much a “phoenix effect,” whereby what isn’t working is burnt down so that new life can emerge in that place. Structures that no longer serve us are dismantled. In a sense, the Universe is creating a “course correction” in the destiny of humanity. If we understand the process and surrender to it, we can reach empowerment and enlightenment. However, if we resist and hold onto the past, our lives will be filled with tragedy and pain during these times. Everything that Capricorn rules has been going through a period of change: our governments, political structures, those in power, big business, and global economies. This will continue for years to come. On April 27, 2021, Pluto turns retrograde, weakening its power and turning us to focus upon internal transformation and our shadow selves. It will continue dancing backward in the sky until October 6, 2021.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

Important dates to remember in April 2021 for love are the 6, 10, 13, 17, 25, and 29. Significant moments to plan for success are the 2, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, and 24. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, 25, and 30. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


It is birthday season, Aries, and you’re the main event! You harbor so much cosmic power at this point in time, and with Jupiter still dancing within your sector of friendships, this could be quite a memorable birthday for you. Whenever the Sun sizzles past your birthday (and the exact degree of your Sun), this is called a Solar Return. This is one of the most important periods of the year for you to initiate new actions and journeys, as it is a snapshot of what your year ahead will contain. Make a list of what you want to experience in the year ahead and set forth to make it happen. With Jupiter perched at the top of your sky, this is an important year when it comes to pursuing your most important hopes and dreams. Take action to move toward them—both personal goals and ambitious professional ones—because it is quite likely you will see many start to come into fruition. The first step is creating that vision board so you know what you want, but the second and most important piece is actually taking action to materialize them. So often people can be lazy and want everything to come to them, and you aren’t often like this, Aries. But just to give you that extra boost of encouragement: I’m saying to strike forth and do it now! The New Moon in your zodiac sign on the 11th is the most important one of the year, as it highlights you center stage. The doors are open: where will you go? Also, with goddess, Venus, in your zodiac sign until the 14th—don’t forget to update your look, take new photos, or buy some new clothes to soak up the “battery of beauty.” Whether single or attached, make romance and pleasure top priorities. She will leave you on that day for weeks ahead to venture into your sector of finances and possessions. You’ll likely receive opportunities to increase your income via gifts or freelance work, if looking.  The Sun will sizzle into your financial sector starting April 19, too, setting the tone for a month ahead focused greatly on budgeting and prosperity. Another big shift this month is tied to your ruler, Mars. The red planet has been heating up your sector of communications and contracts, stimulating your mind and your intellectual pursuits since early March. This could’ve seen you highly focused on a writing, speaking, or advertising endeavor. Use the energy while you can because on the 23rd, Mars will transition into your domestic arena until June 11. You will become highly engrained in family or home-related affairs. This sphere also tends to make one especially emotional, so try to keep a handle on your anger. You may decide it’s time for a renovation or relocation. Mars sometimes brings a bit of conflict: so you could also see some frustrations around family or home matters, too. Last to note this month is the Full Moon in your sector of shared assets on the 26th. This lunation may bring a culmination to a financial matter like a debt, scholarship, or large payout.  This also turns attention toward your partnerships and could see you wishing to grow closer or else walk away once and for all. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


For weeks, mighty Mars has been searing through your sector of finances, increasing your expenses immensely—but also giving you the intense drive to make more. This trend will end once the red planet shifts into your communications sector on the 23rd. A new cycle will emerge, one where you will become highly focused on a writing, speaking, or social media project. This could be that you are rearing up to launch your website or podcast or are hustling forward with an idea for a screenplay. Contractual matters will also become very important in the weeks ahead, so be sure that you have someone at the ready to review anything that comes your way. After the 23rd, you could also find yourself travelling a bit more, whether it be around your town or to nearby places because you need a change of scene. Enjoy the breath of fresh air! Earlier in the month, a New Moon appears on April 11th in your sector of rest and solitude. This may encourage you to take a seat back to visualize what you want in your year ahead. You’ve seen a tremendous amount of change, particularly since 2018, and this will certainly continue until 2026! Embrace this, Taurus, as you are being given a rare opportunity to step into your power and live your most authentic journey. Also, don’t forget that you have immense cosmic support in your professional sector throughout much of this year. Now is the time to buckle down and work harder than ever before to reach the crown you’re after. If for some reason you aren’t seeing the success you want, try a new method, one that is shocking, groundbreaking, or has never been done before. Don’t sit back in a line where the world hands out limits. Break the cage. Your ruler, Venus, will soar into your zodiac sign beginning on the 14th until May 8. This is the most important time of the year for you to update your look, get a fresh hairstyle, or do anything that will improve your radiant beauty. Think of it as a rare chance to recharge on “the battery of love.” Also, put pleasure and romance on the top of your list! Single Tauruses can find new options, as you’ll be more attractive. Committed ones must also set some time aside for their significant other. The Sun enters your zodiac sign on the 19th, further enhancing your energy for the month ahead. Last to note will be a Full Moon on the 26th in your sector of relationships. Electric Uranus will oppose the Full Moon, bringing shocking and unexpected turns of fate. This could bring a sudden breakup out of nowhere or else an out-of-the-blue proposal! Either way, partnerships will be top priority now and it’s about uniting or erupting. Single Tauruses could find someone with long-term potential out of thin air, so don’t hide away. If you find out something sudden at this time, you may feel the need to break loose or seek freedom. It could also cause you to look at your partner differently. No matter what, this is a time when you hold the keys to your destiny. Choose wisely. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


You’re dancing on air, Gemini! That’s because fiery Mars is providing you the wind beneath your sails and helping you to soar toward your most important goals and plans. You’ve likely been extremely busy since March 3 and this trend continues until April 23. It is of utmost importance that you hustle hard now to get your ducks in a row and show the world that you’re boss! Your energy levels have likely been sky high and your sex appeal—well, let’s just say you’ve been ready to get it on. In the remaining time with this fuel, make a list of what you most want to tackle and take the initiative to set those plans in action. The projects, relationships, and decisions you launch now will have a jetpack of energy behind them helping them get off the ground. However, once the missile shifts into your financial sector beginning the 23rd, expect your expenses to skyrocket for the weeks ahead. If you’d like to get a new job or take on more freelance work, you’ll be in luck, too. Besides this, April has other news! The New Moon on the 11th highlights your social sector and could see you having quite a lively time with friends and acquaintances. You may be invited to work with a community and if you’d like to expand your network, do so then. Events and celebrations are especially likely prior to the 14th, with Venus in this arena. If you’d like to find new love, use social media to connect with someone or else date a friend in your network, perhaps even an acquaintance you’ve always had the hots for. Beginning on the 19th, the Sun will fall asleep within your sector of solitude, bringing a slower pace for most of the month ahead. Yet, before you’ll feel the calmer vibe fully, a Full Moon in your productivity sector on the 26th will rise within the night. This may make you very concerned with a work-related project or bring news of an end with your employer. However, if you are looking for a job, now is the time when you must quickly look for another. Above all, watch your health at this time. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


April will be a peculiar month for you, as there will be a few conflicting energies, Cancer. The main reason is this: Mars will be heating up your sector of solitude and behind-the-scenes projects for most of the month. You began to feel this energy in March. There’s a few ways this could affect you. First: this may see you working on an important endeavor in private, likely a professional one that will take quite some time to get ready. You’re hard at work to get the plans or product perfect, so that when it’s ready to debut, you blow away your competition! Some Cancers will find that this instead focuses on their mental health, and your anxiety and tension could be soaring through the roof! This energy may be triggering all sorts of addictions, fears, or dreams at this time. Rather than running from them though, you must heal them and find closure. This could be a great period for counseling. However, when the red planet strikes a match and ignites your life beginning of the 23rd, you’re going to be on fire, but in a good way! Until June 11, you will harbor the courage, determination, and endless energy resources to conquer your path. You will likely be very active and busy during this time, so don’t be afraid to be dominant, take the lead, and create the life of your dreams. You’ll be especially magnetic, so whether it is a personal or professional plan you’d like to pursue, step forward to show them who is boss! A New Moon in your achievements sphere appears on the 11th, opening a doorway in your career. An opportunity for a promotion or step higher in your industry could be around the corner.  However, don’t just wait for it to come to you. You may need to look under every nook and cranny, send out your feelers, and see what the Universe has in store. With Venus in your professional sector until the 14th, you’ll also likely see recognition or favor from superiors. After this, the stars shift more toward fun, friends, and love, though! The Sun will sizzle into your social sector after the 19th, so you will certainly hear from many friends in the weeks to come. Yet, a shocking and exhilarating Full Moon in your fertility sector shall appear on the 26th. This lunation will bring sudden and unexpected news around love, creativity, or children. Single Cancers must put themselves out there and schedule potential dates—Cupid could zing you with an arrow! However, if you’re not with the right person, you could suddenly separate because of news that comes from your network. If you’re able to have a child, this could bring a positive pregnancy test that you hadn’t planned for. No matter what, though, get ready for thunderbolts to rock your world! Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


The stars are shooting off fireworks for you right now, Leo! It’s time to party! The mighty red planet, Mars, has been heating up your social sector since early March and will continue to do so until the 23rd. You’ve likely felt your social life pick up tremendously and have possibly even attended some amazing events. This may also have caused you to expand your personal and professional network and truly make a name for yourself as “Mr. or Ms. Popular!” Keep embracing the fun vibes! Single Leos could find hot sex—and a passionate lover—in their network or even one who was originally a friend but who blossomed into a prize. Beyond this, April comes with other news, too. Much of the stars will be focusing upon your sector of expansion. A New Moon arrives here on the 11th and will open a doorway to you regarding a media, academics, or international matter. If seeking to immigrate, this would be the time to apply. If looking to go back to school, get your ducks in a row! If wanting to pursue a greater voice, find ways to spread your message. Last, this sector does also hold ties to spirituality, so if you’d like to learn the wisdom of life, set forth to study it. Yet, beginning on the 14th, the planets begin to shift into your sector of achievement. You had a fiery taste of all the power and success earlier in the year—likely January and February—but there’s more that 2021 has in store! Venus, planet of grace, will enter your professional sphere then and remain here until May 8. During this time, recognition, awards, and honor may come your way. The Sun adds his power beginning on the 19th for weeks ahead, too. Set your eyes on higher ranks and move strategically now. Last to note in April will be a Full Moon on the 26th that highlights your domestic sphere. This lunation may bring shocking news, too, like a roommate is leaving or there’s a crisis within the family. Some Leos could move or fix up their space now or have to step in to help one of their kindred. However it affects you, you’ll be feeling quite emotional. Handle it rapidly so it doesn’t dim your sparkle. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Step toward your greatest ambitions, Virgo. Powerhouse Mars has been heating up your professional sector since early March and will continue until April 23. Soar higher! Soar further! It’s time to take over! You are likely very busy on the job or are pursuing significant achievements at this time. No matter what, you’re fired up about work. If unemployed, now is the perfect time to send your resume and portfolio everywhere you can and ask those who may be able to help you to intercede in your favor. For the Virgos already at a peak in their life, awards and recognition could be raining down upon you. Beyond this, April comes packed with other cosmic goodies. Your intimate relationships are highlighted, especially once the New Moon arrives on the 11th. You may be feeling the need to draw someone closer. However, if your relationship has outlived its purpose, it could be time to sever ties. This same lunation could cause a shift in your financial life, too, whether by a large payout, commissions check, or even a loan.  Next to note is that the Sun will soar into your expansion sector beginning on the 19th. In the month ahead, you’ll be focusing on your current perspective and how you can learn more and see more of the world. A Full Moon arrives this month on the 26th, turning your mind to a major communications-related project. This will bring a shocking turn of events, too, as Uranus will be keeping everyone—no matter their zodiac sign—on their toes! This lunation could bring a contract for you to sign, one with unforeseen clauses or confusing language. Have an attorney look it over. It could also see that you are launching a promotional campaign, social media initiative, or other writing or speaking project. Make sure you have it under control so it doesn’t spiral off the rails. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Fiery Mars has been a shooting star, lighting up your sector of expansion since March, Libra. You have likely been highly focused on an important media, academics, or international matter. This energy will continue to ramp up until the 23rd. Make sure you have your eyes set on new horizons as you take in fresh perspectives and wisdom about the world. From then until June 11, you’ll see major career momentum, so brainstorm and strategize prior so that you can maximize your professional impact at that time. This month, however, has a major spotlight on partnerships for you. Truth be told, when are you not focused on partnerships, though? The Sun and Venus will be across the sky from you, making you magnetic in your relationships. Single Libras must use this time to search for someone with long-term potential. Committed Libras can use this energy to grow closer with their significant other. The New Moon arrives on the 11th, likely triggering discussions about where you stand and where you’d like to go with either a romantic or business partner. Some Libras could feel the need to commit or may even become engaged! The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are in a lovely alignment at this time, so you’ll have the energy to back your union up. Any plan or commitment you launch now could have a lot of luck behind it! As the planets continue to migrate into your intimacy sector beginning mid-month, though, you’re feeling the urge to merge—or address what isn’t working for you. If for some reason you’re not feeling magnetized to your person, now is the time to spice it up and try to make it work or else begin to consider how it may be better to part ways. Despite this, I sense things should be going better rather than worse, even though your intimate needs have likely changed in recent years, particularly since 2018. You’re craving more in your relationships in unsuspecting and curious ways, so don’t be afraid to explore that and above all, communicate it. April ends with a Full Moon on the 26th, falling in your financial sector. This could cause a sudden shift around your job or money—such a new employment offer, the sudden closure of an income stream, or even a random but large expense. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


With your co-ruler, Mars, heating up your intimacy sector, your sex drive and urge for union is through the roof! You crave connection with someone you desire as much as you breathe! However, if you feel your needs are not being met—intimately, emotionally, financially—from someone, you could be ready to go to war. Mars easily heats you up, and even though you shyly smile to say that you hate the drama, you feed off of it because it makes winning that much more sweet. There’s another way this could be manifesting for you, though: financially. You may be taking on or paying off debts or highly focused on winning a scholarship, venture capital, or loan. Use your focus to do so now, especially until the 23rd. April will see that you are quite busy, especially as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus twirl in your productivity sector. The New Moon joins them on the 11th and will see to it that new work projects or responsibilities come your way. If looking for another job, this is an excellent time to search. Above all, assess your daily routine to make sure you are happy with how you are spending your time. When Venus scampers into your relationship sector beginning on the 14th and the Sun joins on the 19th, the Universe is intensifying your focus on partnerships. If single, you must use this moment to truly understand what you want and crave with someone special. Then set forth to find them! However, if already committed, you can use this period to renew your vows, so to speak. Relationships will be quite sweet. To end the month, the most important Full Moon of the year arrives on the 26th. This lunation falls within your zodiac sign and spotlights your personal power and will culminate an important goal that you have been building toward since your birthday last year. Step into the limelight and command the world’s attention. You are the one to lay down the law. However, as Uranus is opposed to this Full Moon, it could bring a sudden breakthrough you’ve long hoped for—or else a sudden ending that instead redirects you toward new horizons. No matter how you’re affected, note that the Universe is protecting you and ultimately wants to see you happy even if means that something that isn’t working must go. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Relationships have been such a major focus for you in the past year, Sagittarius, and April is a milestone month upon that journey. Since March, powerhouse Mars has been sizzling in your partnership sector and will continue now until April 23. This fiery energy will give single Sagittarians the impulse to truly find the right match for them. Committed ones will feel the intensity of their union and could be growing much closer. While most of the cosmos seem to be pointing toward romantic union for you, there is a possibility this could also be highlighting a business relationship. No matter what union you’re focused upon, you will see much more progress when working as a team rather than flying solo. April also brings dazzling news to your romantic life, as if the stars are stacked entirely in your favor! Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon are all lining up in your fertility sphere. The New Moon on the 11th will open a doorway for you to find new love or bring the spice back into your connection. Children and pregnancy matters are also favored if that is your cup of tea. Last, if you are a creative, use this lunation to embark on a new project because it could become a jewel in your crown. April will also encourage you to address your work-life balance and how you are establishing your routine. When the Sun sizzles into this sphere on the 19th, get ready for a productive and busy month ahead. This will likely see you taking on more projects with your employer or else searching for a new one altogether. No matter what, I see that you’ve been craving more freedom in your work life and routine and if you don’t get it—it drives you crazy! Take a moment to assess all the pieces of your life that make you happy and make sure you’re not oversaturated with one area over the others. Last to note this month will be a Full Moon in your sector of privacy and rest on the 26th. This lunation will cause you to feel a bit burnt out and require you to recharge. You may also be putting the finishing touches on some projects behind-the-scenes and burning the candle at both ends. Do your best to enjoy some TLC rather than grinding yourself into the dirt. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Keep trucking along, Capricorn! Mighty Mars began to tour your productivity sector in March and will continue to do so until April 23. This means that you’ve likely been especially busy and are experiencing a particularly demanding schedule. Before you charge right back on, take a step back to assess your work-life balance and how you can create the perfect routine for you. Life is not about all work and no play, and obviously vice versa. Another exciting way to harness this energy is toward your fitness goals, so if you’d like to transform your body or change your diet, now is one of the best times in two years to do so. Mars will shift gears beginning on the 23rd, suddenly standing across the sky from you. This will set up a new trend that takes precedence until June 11, 2021. Prepare to be entirely focused on your most important relationships, whether that is in business or love. In the weeks ahead, you’ll go so much further as a team rather than flying solo. It’s time to collaborate, make plans, and unite. If for some reason there’s tension in your union, Mars could bring it up to the surface to create some conflicts—but I sense for most Capricorns it will go more smoothly than that. If you are to breakup during this period, it means you’d be redirected toward someone much better ahead. As a sneak peek into where the stars are shifting…you, lucky Capricorn, are beginning destined eclipses in your sector of true love at the end of this year. These eclipses echo into 2022 and 2023…and then shortly thereafter Jupiter, planet of miracles, will also begin a yearlong tour of this same piece of the sky. If you have not met your true love soul mate just yet, do not worry. Or if by some stroke of change, you end up separating from someone now or in the year ahead, you may still align with someone far better and more beautiful than you ever could have imagined. Yes, for the Capricorns thinking about an ex, you, too, will have your chance at reunion at the end of 2021 and early 2022. What I’m ultimately saying is that you have nothing to fear when it comes to love, dear Capricorn. For those of you happily partnered with your “One,” expect the romance to grow and evolve more beautifully than ever before! Returning to April, though, you initially have a major focus on your domestic life or family affairs with planets highlighting this territory. The New Moon on the 11th could trigger a shift around home or family matters, such as a move or new roommate or even the desire to fix up your space. Yet, romance begins to sparkle as early as the 14th when Venus enters this arena for you! The Sun and Mercury soar in just behind her hand-in-hand, assuring that your mind and heart are shouting for love, creativity, and fun. In the weeks ahead, if you are single, you must take the leap to meet new suitors. If committed, bring the spice and sex back to your union! The month ends with a Full Moon on the 26th, spotlighting your social sector and communities. However, it will clash with Uranus, bringing out sudden news or shocking developments around your love life and friendships. Handle whatever comes your way rapidly. You’ll be glad that you did. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


All matters of love, creativity, fertility, and fun have been especially important for you as of late, Aquarius! Mighty Mars has been bringing fuel to all of these areas since March and will continue to do so until April 23. Now is the most important time for single Aquarians to put themselves out there to try to find a soulmate connection! While you will still have plenty of luck because of the Solar Eclipse in June, now is the time to make romance a top priority. Some of you may feel that you are falling in love or swept up in a love story. Committed Aquarians may also use this energy to bring the spice, sex, and adventure back into their union. If you are a parent, you could find yourself deeply focused on aiding one of your children now and if you are in pursuit of a pregnancy, do not miss the time prior to the 23rd. Last, if you are artistic, devote plenty of time to inspiration and creation. April is filled with other exciting developments, too. Many of the planets will be spinning happily within your sector of communications, assuring that your mind is drumming up many ideas. The New Moon on the 11th could encourage you to begin work on a milestone writing, speaking, or advertising endeavor, one that may even bring an important contract for you to sign. As the planets begin to migrate mid-month into your domestic sphere, though, it is time to turn your attention to home and family. With Venus here after the 14th, it’s a great period to entertain at home or buy beautiful new furniture to decorate your living space. The Sun and Mercury ignite this arena beginning on the 19th for the weeks ahead. Some Aquarians could make a vital shift around these domestic matters or use the time to reconnect with family affairs. Despite all of this, the Full Moon on the 26th will crackle like lightning within the sky! This lunation spotlights your professional matters and it appears something unexpected is coming your way. This could be a promotion or new job that causes friction with your home life, like the need to suddenly relocate to accept it. It may also be a new achievement—or layoff—that rocks you to your core. Whether it plays out good or bad, it is quite unknown until it comes to pass because Uranus, the planet of surprise, is at play. Know that whatever happens, you’re being redirected to where you’re meant to go. Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.


Since March, you’ve had fiery Mars touring your domestic sphere, Pisces. This has likely made you quite busy around home or family matters. Some Pisceans could be focused on a renovation or relocation. Others could be stepping in forcefully to attend to situations around your kindred. No matter what, though, you appear quite fired up and emotional because of it all! Happily, this trend lasts only until April 23 and then there should be more peace. After that, Mars will sizzle into your romance and fertility sector for the weeks ahead, promising laughter, passion, and if you’re ready—super hot sex! Get! It! Returning to April, the stars initially are focusing upon your financial life and prosperity. With Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and New Moon giving an extra dose of planetary power to your wealth, it’s time to budget and become a money magnet. The New Moon on the 11th could open the door to more income for you, whether it is through a raise or new job. Don’t just wait for it to come to you, though, you must show the Universe you are ready for more! Lovely Venus will shift into your communications sector by the 14th, ensuring that all you have to write and say in the weeks to come will enchant those who receive it. Mercury and the Sun will join her here beginning on the 19th meaning that in the month ahead you could make a great deal of progress on communications-related projects. Think, write, and speak the most important messages in your heart. To end the month, a Full Moon in your sector of expansion arrives on the 26th, bringing a culmination to a media, academics, or international matter. Some Pisceans will see favorable press or publish a book. Others could learn that their visa has been approved for immigration. However, what comes your way will also bring shocking developments as Uranus is also at play at this time. He is the planet of the unknown—of breakthroughs and breakdowns—so keep your antennae up and see what the Universe is trying to teach you.Please share everywhere & follow me online for more daily horoscopes. NEW: For in-depth readings and exclusive predictions, subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon here.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, ABC television, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas