What Are the Akashic Records.png

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Have you ever felt stuck? 

Unsure of the future?

Need extra guidance or push in the right direction?

Tap into the Akashic Records.

Reiki Master and Akashic Records reader, Jana Scalzitti, is professionally endorsed by Kyle Thomas. Book a reading with Jana today or learn more here.

The Akashic Records is a compilation of everything that has been, is and will be.  They can be compared to a Book of Life documenting a Soul’s progression throughout time.  Everyone has a record of their soul recorded in the Akashic Records. 

The Akashic Records are a healing realm made up of Akasha: the primary substance and Light, the essential life force.  It is a presence and healing energy.  An Akashic Records reading can help you better understand yourself, who you are becoming and to help with your soul’s purpose.

“The Akashic Records are an electromagnetic imprint of everything that has ever happened in the universe.” Ervin Laslo (Quantum Physicist)

So how does it work?

The depth of information provided by the Akashic Records can help gain greater clarity in all aspects of your life.  You can ask questions relating to: relationships, career, creativity, or soul’s purpose.  An Akashic Records consultation can shift perspective, offer clarity or insights from the viewpoint of the soul.

You are totally in control of your reading as it is driven by your questions.  Jana will tap into your Records and respond to your questions.

How to prepare for a reading?

Think about what answers or clarity you are seeking. Consider all aspects of your life.  Jot down your open-ended questions (yes or no questions are not preferred).  You will bring your questions to your time spent in the records.   Many ask about areas in their lives that are stagnant or areas that need insight, guidance or healing.  Your time spent in the records is a high-vibrational and healing experience.  Get clear on your future and gain the deep and profound healing available to you!

 BOOK with Jana today: https://www.beyond-infinite.com/readings.html

FOLLOW Jana at Beyond Infinite on Instagram here.

Want a personal astrology reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas