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Welcome to 2024. The year before us will promise us more growth and opportunities to soar in new directions, but will also bring profound turning points on a personal and collective level. At its best, 2024 will be a year that delivers chances to embrace what makes us happiest as we enjoy the beauty and majesty of sacred moments as well as exhilarating adventures that push us out of our comfort zones and connect us to people who see the world from similar points of view. There will be so many times to feel passion or revel in prosperity, but there will be many periods we are going to be forced to remain flexible, open-minded, and dance in the whirlwind of the unknown. Many cycles that began in 2023 will echo into 2024, as we become more acquainted with newfound energies and sense that the days of old truly are fading in the rearview mirror. 2024 will be a faster year than ones in recent memory, which can bring many rapid shifts and developments personally and professionally. Another significant aspect to note will be that karmic relationships will be thrust center-stage within all of our lives—as if we are dancing with a mirror. This can aid us in proceeding along the yellow brick road hand-in-hand or cause us to realize that we are not being fulfilled and it is time to let them go once and for all. Now set forth into the visions of what 2024 will bring to you. I send you my light from afar no matter where you are or when you read this. You are worthy of a beautiful, radiant, and magical life.

The following article will forecast the key themes we will collectively experience. To read your individual sign, please click the corresponding link (sometimes twice) and it will take you there.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

Enter A Master Manifestation Portal in 2024

Prepare to enter a very special and unique period, one where you can seize the day to create the life you want more easily—free of roadblocks and cosmic dust. All planets in our solar system will be direct, or “awake,” once Uranus leaves retrograde on January 27, 2024 at 11:35 PM (Pacific). The next planet to retrograde will be Mercury on April 1, 2024 at 3:14 PM (Pacific). With all major planets awakened during this time, we will step into a portal with a burst of energy to move extremely rapidly toward our goals and seek to improve our lives in every way. While we will still have to deal with some post-shadow and pre-shadow planetary energy in the weeks of this period, it is of utmost importance to sign contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever during this period. This is nearly 66 days (just over 2 months) of pure, untapped energy to hustle and focus. Make it count.


Miscommunication Around Actions & Motivations in 2024

In 2024, Mercury—the planet of communication and the mind—will retrograde three times. The dates are:

  • Mercury awakens in Sagittarius on January 1, 2024.

  • April 1, 2024 – April 25, 2024. It occurs entirely within Fire sign, Aries (spans 15 to 27 degrees). Pre-shadow begins March 18, 2024. Post-shadow ends May 13, 2024. 

  • August 4, 2024 – August 28, 2024. It starts in Earth sign, Virgo, and ends in Fire sign, Leo (spans 4 degrees of Virgo to 21 degrees of Leo). Pre-shadow begins on July 16, 2024. Post-shadow ends on September 11, 2024.

  • November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024. It occurs entirely within Fire sign, Sagittarius (spans 6 to 22 degrees). Pre-shadow begins on November 7, 2024. Post-shadow ends on January 2, 20025.

When Mercury retrogrades in Earth signs, we find confusion around our physical world, ambitions, professional lives, and finances. We will experience challenges around how our ideas are not manifesting the results (or money, success, or productivity) that we thought they would (this will be noticeable in the summer Mercury retrograde only). Plan ahead accordingly and do not launch endeavors or sign contracts then if you can wait. When Mercury moonwalks in Earth signs, we become extremely stubborn about our points of view. The key to navigating all of this is to think outside of the box and consider other people’s ideas and models for manifesting change. You’ll be happier if you do. When Mercury retrogrades in a Fire sign (which will happen in all three retrograde phases that take place this year), we become flustered around our passions, desires, and how we pursue expression. When Mercury moonwalks in Fire signs, we become frustrated, triggered, and angry when others do not agree with our innate desires or how we express them. This can trigger confrontations.


Karmic Situations Around Independence & Partnership in 2024

In July 2023, the North Node entered Aries as the South Node entered Libra. The North Node symbolizes destined karmic intake into our lives around the themes that Aries rules: passion, leadership, entrepreneurship, courage, and independence. This is a very “me” focused energy, and we will find that we are learning karmic lessons about how we balance that with “we” energy, as well. The South Node symbolizes what is being released from the ether and is tied to the themes that Libra rules: marriage, partnership, teamwork, union, and commitment. Because of this, many people may feel the need to balance—or rebalance—their egos and relationships to make sure they are in equal fulfillment. Yet, many people will also feel the need to release relationships of a business or romantic nature, especially long-term committed ones, if they aren’t supporting their independence and desires. However, this same energy will bring many destined soulmate partners, in business or love, or even twin flames to many people across the world. Many sudden and shocking engagements, marriages, break-ups, or divorces are all likely to happen as if out of thin air.

The eclipses on this axis this year will be:

  • March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra (5 degrees)

  • April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries (19 degrees)

  • October 2, 2024: Solar eclipse in Libra (10 degrees)

Karmic Situations Around Health and Strength in 2024

With the eclipses starting to shift onto the Virgo-Pisces nodal axis with the arrival of the first eclipse here in autumn 2024, a new set of karmic themes will appear. As Virgo rules the following themes, we will notice profound shifts around them: health, fitness, diet, productivity, employment, routines, responsibilities, coworkers, pets, medications, and staff. The Pisces polarity rules the following themes, promising other transitions—which will be more noticeable in 2024 because we do not actually have an eclipse in Virgo in 2024. These themes are: mental health, spirituality, seclusion, conclusions, synthesis, privacy, therapists, counselors, gurus, guides, rehabilitation, addictions, recovery, psychic abilities, the unconscious, the unknown, rest, and ascension. When eclipses activate these themes, not only will they be thrust center-stage on a collective level, but highlighted in our own personal lives, too. The eclipses on this axis can be especially exhausting. The ones in Pisces will bring the past for us to face on a karmic level, bringing us gifts for positive karma we’ve built or striking people down for evil or wicked actions that have occurred.

  • September 18, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Pisces (25 degrees)


Restructuring “the System” of Civilization in 2024

In recent years, we have had a lot of focus on both Capricorn and Aquarius due to outer planets moving there. Pluto, the planet of transformation, takes 248 years to go around the sun and will be finishing up his trek of Capricorn quite soon before establishing himself in Aquarius for nearly twenty years. 

Mysterious Pluto continues his dance through Capricorn, where he has been since 2008. Here he has given our governments greater power to dominate, but he is also shattering and burning down the corruption that is not meant to be here. People will begin to push for more visibility with political and global affairs to fight back against the systems that seek to oppress and only control unnecessarily. The awakening of the people—triggered by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on December 21, 2020—has set the stage for the next two hundred years. Pluto will remain in Capricorn until January 20, 2024 and return one final time from September 1, 2024 until November 19, 2024.


Restructuring “the Spirit” of the Collective in 2024

Our Great Taskmaster planet, Saturn, will spin in the depths of Pisces from March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025, and one final time from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Saturn is a planet of karma and delivers important learning curves and life lessons and often teaches through hard work and pain. However, Saturn is not meant to hurt you—he simply teaches some of the most important things that we remember long after he has moved onward because of the tenacity and perseverance he forged through us like steel forged through fire. As Saturn transits Saturn, he will bring karmic lessons around everything that Pisces rules: spirituality, religion, the “New Age” movement, magic, soulmates, psychology, mental health, health in general, rest, recovery, solitude, privacy, seclusion, hospitals, prisons, addictions, imagination, escapism, and psychic abilities. What is likely to take place is that Saturn will bring a crisis around these themes—whether in our own personal lives and also on a global stage—that causes us to reform and find better patterns going forward.


Transforming Global Communities & Ideologies in 2024

Pluto, the planet of death, transformation, and rebirth, will spin into the skies of Aquarius on January 20, 2024. Pluto is the most intense planet in our solar system and often acts like a phoenix, whereby it painfully destroys what is no longer working so that the human collective can emerge once again. However, Pluto can also teach through malevolent, violent, or dark means, as it also ties to corruption, domination, and power. We will begin to experience a taste of what Pluto has to offer over the coming twenty years in 2023 and 2024, bringing intense experiences and discoveries to all that Aquarius rules: technology, artificial intelligence, social media, space travel, science, organized communities, optimism, aspirations, and revolution. On one hand, there may be more power or oppression brought down upon people, seeking to exact total and complete control, but this is also likely to trigger mobilization around key issues and freedom, just as well. While there is likely to be a greater focus on independence and authenticity, there may become a heightened desire to fit into a tribe of people that believes in one message rather than standing apart from the crowd.

Pluto will return to Aquarius from January 20, 2024 until September 1, 2024, and again from November 19, 2024 to March 8, 2043, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces in those later years.


Expansion of Prosperity & Pleasure in 2024

Mighty Jupiter, our Great Benefic, dances into the flower fields of Taurus from May 16, 2023 until May 25, 2024. Because Jupiter brings growth, expansion, luck, and miracles, he will sparkle over all that Taurus rules: wealth, resources, real estate, possessions, pleasure, sensuality, hedonism, and art. All zodiac signs will finally feel as if we are heading toward better years once again, as living in the moment and going our own pace will feel more enjoyable now. We may feel more practical, realistic, and pragmatic about building our lives, ambitions, and relationships. Being forthright, caring, and reliable will also be more pronounced within people’s natures. This is a time when we want to stop and smell the roses, indulge in great food, intimacy, or romance, and appreciate the good life. Artistic talents will be amplified, as we seek beauty in all ways. We will hunger for indulgence and luxury. All markets that Taurus rules will flourish: banking, finance, real estate, cuisine and fine dining, tactical art, beauty industries, design industries, luxury industries, and fashion. On one hand, this will help us to truly feel more aligned and connected to the beauty of life, but for those that get too lost in hedonism, they may find that they indulge too much and sink into a slothful, lazy routine more focused on passion and desire than getting things done. The best thing about Jupiter in Taurus energy is that it can also provide us the quiet optimism we need to preserve patiently to build toward our greatest hopes and dreams personally or professionally.

Jupiter will be in post-shadow from his retrograde at the end of 2023 until March 22, 2024 (15 degrees of Taurus). After this point in time, he will bring rapid results and manifestations, particularly from what we’ve been building since May 2023.


Expansion of the Mind & Communications in 2024

Jupiter, the planet of growth, will move through the heavens of Gemini from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. During this period in time, Jupiter will bring expansion and joy to all of the areas that Gemini rules: communications (such as advertising, branding, marketing, podcasting, blogging, web design, and all industries connected to these areas and to a limited degree of publishing, but especially short-form content), the mind, travel (especially short-distance travel), academics and learning, and social media. However, it is also extremely important to note that Jupiter is weaker in this zodiac sign—known to be in its “detriment.” This means that Jupiter, while still granting us abilities to expand, will have a harder time distilling its energy to bring us rapid and expansive results. While it will not create challenges or “bad” scenarios for us, we may need to apply more effort to manifest results in our lives—particularly around any theme that Gemini rules. Gemini, as a zodiac sign, craves freedom and adventure, and we will, too, during this time—but we will need to be more intentional and focused rather than just spinning off in a whirlwind. If we do, we could find that our goals, energies, and plans dissipate without any staying power and we are consistently spinning our wheels, getting nowhere fast. On a positive note, those who are focused will be able to speak, learn, write, and connect more potently and build their networks. The pace of life will be livelier, upbeat, optimistic, and engaging. Plan for travel during this time and you could make dazzling memories. All those who work in Gemini-ruled businesses will thrive: writers, speakers, education, travel, communications, air-related industries, aeronautics, journalism, linguistics, tourism, and to a limited degree, politics.


Karmic Lessons About Passion & Emotion in 2024

While we will not experience Venus retrograde in 2024, Mars retrograde returns once again. Mars retrograde cycles are particularly intense. Mars retrograde pre-shadow begins on October 4, 2024 (at 17 degrees of Cancer). Mars retrograde begins on December 6, 2024 (at 6 degrees of Leo). It continues until Mars turns direct on February 23, 2025. Mars retrograde post-shadow ends on May 2, 2025. With this in mind, it is wise to note that the end of 2024 will be especially slow—and challenging. In the autumn and the onset of winter, very little will get done. This is why it is crucial to launch all major plans and projects earlier in 2024.

Mars retrograde periods bring up karmic lessons around conflict, fighting, sex, passion, and ego. Exes and enemies from the past tend to return to us. Mars retrograde periods are not good times to launch new projects or endeavors. This also applies to relationships. We can feel especially weakened, exhausted, frustrated, anxious, and angry. When Mars is retrograde in Leo, we will experience karmic lessons around the following themes: romance and true love, dating and courtship, fertility and children, creativity and expression, and hobbies and sports. When Mars is retrograde in Cancer, we will experience frustration or karmic lessons around the following themes: home, family, real estate, domesticity, emotional intimacy, vulnerability, loyalty, lineages, ancestors, and the past. The best thing to do during Mars retrograde cycles is to lie low and relax, rather than trying to push anything up a hill. Also, do not launch attacks during these times, as those who do so will find the entire universe works against them. Many exes, old flings, old hook ups, or lovers will return with Mars in Leo, whereas distant and close family could return during Mars in Cancer.


Rare Cosmic Alignments in 2024

In 2024, we will have some extremely rare astrological aspects take place. While the exact dates that they take place will be especially powerful, the energies will still echo within the weeks and months (to a lesser degree) around them.

On February 6, 2024, Jupiter will nearly link in a sextile with Saturn. While it isn’t “perfect,” it will still energetically be potent. It is not as strong as the one that took place on June 19, 2023, and it will not happen perfectly again until 2037. However, you could still feel a bit of its energy, so try to capitalize on it. This energy is focused on the expansion of success and glory, but is a careful synthesis of optimism with practicality. Focusing on large-scale, long-term goals, ambitions, investments, and plans will work in one’s favor. Promotions, success, and financial stability can be built by taking a patient, focused, and persevering perspective on life and one’s vision. While this is likely to favor material wealth or achievement potently due to Jupiter’s flight through Taurus, it can also blend the spiritual and creative realms with the physical world too, considering Saturn will be in Pisces. This union of the physical with the spiritual can be tremendously fulfilling for individuals worldwide if they are aimed at building both in tandem.

On April 20, 2024, Jupiter will conjunct Uranus (at Taurus 21 degrees). The last time this took place was January 4, 2011 and the next time this will take place will be on September 8, 2037.  Because it is taking place in Taurus, expect big wins and breakthroughs, as well as great shocking twists of fate and potentially rocky energy around all Taurean themes: money, wealth, the global economy, real estate, luxury industries, beauty industries, stocks, and investments. On one hand, this could bring glorious news, but could also trigger shocking and sudden changes. Overall, on a collective level, the energy will bring surprises, as people will feel more desire for freedom and to shake off their responsibilities. The key here, though, is to not embrace complete rebellion and a need for protesting, but instead to try to find a way to channel these progressive, eccentric, and vibrant new ideas in practical and focused means. Because Uranus is so erratic and is the planet of the unknown, it is impossible to predict exactly how things will shake out. Sudden financial glory, a tremendous promotion, or magical soul mate romance are all possibilities. Connecting with people who are different than you or opening your mind to new horizons will all bring expanded awareness and perception now.

On May 23, 2025, Jupiter will sextile Neptune. The last time this occurred was October 12, 2020 and the next time it will occur is February 7, 2033. This creates a rather sweet, magical, and harmonious energy in our lives, promoting fortune, relaxation, and growth. We can not only enjoy personal happiness and enlightenment, but also professional victory and success. We will feel as if we are entering a more enlightened phase of life as we open our perspectives of life and the world. Spiritual and religious matters may become more important, as well as the heightening of psychic, intuitive, and creative abilities. We may feel more aligned with the universe, as destiny fluidly opens before us. Being compassionate, kind, and generous to others will bring exponential luck back to us on a karmic level. Expect your dreams and imagination to be particularly strong now. Asking for favors and connecting with communities will all benefit us now. “The Sacred Muse” will be speaking, especially because Jupiter’s dance in Taurus and Neptune’s orbit in Pisces.

On June 2, 2024, Jupiter will trine Pluto. The last time this took place was on June 26, 2016 and the next time it will take place will be September 24, 2028. This energy, if used strategically, can dramatically grow your power, influence, wealth, and glory. Taking direct action now can allow you to transform your life—as well as the lives of those around you. You can easily exert control, as well as climb to greater levels of authority, success, fame, or might. However, the key is to not be selfish and greedy, but instead to work on building a better world. Possible examples of things that may manifest are: open doors in career, professional triumphs, promotions, or wealth through investments. If you are to set out on any journeys now, they could transform your life and outlook forever.

On August 19, 2024 and December 24, 2024, Jupiter will square Saturn. Technically, though, this energy is potent August 2024 until June 2025. The last time we experienced this energy was between July 2015 until May 2016, and the next period will be April 2035 until February 2036. This energy, while possible to bring great results and benefits, can also indicate a period of tension and challenge, as you face obstacles and limitations to goals personally and professionally. You may feel unstable or uncertain about the future or that certain aspects of your life have gotten out of control and now it is time to focus on a more stable foundation. This is not an ideal time for excess or lavish decisions and destructive behaviors, such as those caused by addictions, can create deep loss. Long-term problems can reach a crisis moment, forcing us to retreat from the world or society, in order to face a reckoning. However, hard work, patience, and perseverance can bring incredible results in the long-term. Greater wealth, success, travel, and enlightenment can echo down the line if we are to focus on creating positive changes and embracing personal growth without slacking off or cutting corners.


Charge onward into 2024, Aries. It will surely be a year that brings a great deal of exhilarating change to all areas of your life. In 2022 and 2023, you sought to build toward new beginnings, so you may now be seeing some of the fruits of your labor. In truth, particularly in the first half of 2024, you’re deeply looking for a greater foundation and a sense of peace and prosperity. Luckily, you will have more luck on your side to build your wealth, increase your nest egg, or attract beautiful possessions. Your work life is still seeing a lot of attention in 2024, with more chances to find a better job, get a raise, or even attract a promotion—especially in the midst of summer. However, it is crucial that you strike while the iron is hot because 2024 is one of the best periods you’ll have in quite some time to really lift your profile and build toward greater ambitions. Some of you could win big—or see a shock hit your finances—in the springtime, so don’t be too impulsive, but try to play your cards right. The years ahead will actually shift your life quite prominently toward your personal life, so you’ll get the best of both worlds if you work as hard as possible now to later revel in the abundance you’ve created. 

Next to note will be a very significant focus on your personal life in 2024. First, you got a taste of Pluto, the planet of intensity, entering into your social circle in 2023 and it will lurk into here yet again throughout most of the year. On one hand, you’re deeply focused on leaving behind any relationships that do not serve you—and some of you could even be experiencing power struggles with friends, acquaintances, or in your social network. You’re feeling the need to radically revolutionize your community, so you could even feel the need to leave people behind as you embrace more fulfilling connections. Another way this could be affecting you is that you are now establishing yourself more as a leader or being surrounded by powerful, influential individuals who are rising at your side. Some of you may now turn your attention to power, leadership, dominance, or even fame—or recognize that your aspirations and ambitions are not aligning with your spirit, so you change them altogether. You’re also experiencing tremendously intense moments around your significant partnerships, particularly in the spring and autumn. This will trigger “make or break” moments in business or your personal life, such as deciding to make long-term plans, move in, get engaged, be wed—or break apart altogether. Singles could attract a soulmate partner who stands at their sides forever. Yet, be aware that this energy can bring secrets and intensity up for you to face—especially if you’re feeling the need to go through a rebirth like a phoenix and become a new version of you. Your social life will also experience an uptick after June as Jupiter graces your sector of alliances, neighbors, and siblings. You’ll be invigorated to meet new people and share many ideas. Be aware that the end of the year could bring some challenges around your romantic life, children, or family, though, so try not to rock the boat then.

Last to mention is that you will be particularly intellectually stimulated in the second half of the year which could see you writing, speaking, advertising, becoming an influencer, learning, teaching, or deeply involved in communications-projects. On one hand, you could step up to share your ideas on a wider platform or may instead hunger to learn more about the world as you travel, explore ideas, and even consider a more spiritual connection to the universe. Listen to your intuition, reflect on the many years that have led you to be here now, and find gratitude in every simple, beautiful, heartfelt, or magical moment. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Embrace the magic of 2024, Taurus. In reality, you’ve come through quite a period of rebirth—especially since the eclipses that began at the end of 2021. You likely have noticed that your life now looks very different since then. Not only are you stepping into a bright, brilliant, and bold new era, but you’re becoming more connected to synchronicities and the cosmic flow of the universe. Jupiter, the planet of miracles and expansion, entered your zodiac sign in May 2023 and you’ve enjoyed many new beginnings since then. You are the “crowned favorite” of the zodiac until the end of May 2024, so it is crucial that you dust off your vision board and decide what it is that you want to build toward in the coming decade personally and professionally. While you will certainly experience many new beginnings and auspicious luck raining down upon you, you must also seize the day and carve out your path. If you simply sit back and wait for things to manifest for you, you are wasting all of this cosmic potential. On a positive note, when Jupiter visits one’s zodiac sign, people tend to meet at least one soulmate, make long-term plans, see their wealth and success expand, begin a whole new chapter, get engaged or married, or even have better luck in pregnancy. The sky is the limit now—but you must be confident that you are ready to proceed. While you may not get everything just now, simply focus on planting seeds to move in those directions. I also want to point out that one of the most significant periods of your entire life is going to take place in the springtime—particularly near April 20—when Jupiter unites with Uranus in your zodiac sign. This is a “once in a lifetime” event, which could bring radical and shocking events, more likely for the better. You could have a winning stroke of luck, hit the jackpot, meet your perfect mate, see a shocking twist of fate, or experience a “big break.” In truth, the energy of this cosmic event will be radiating throughout the entire weeks around this time, though, so keep your hopes high, take a few calculated risks, and let your heart guide you.

Saturn, the planet of strength and permanence, is also energizing your sector of fulfillment, which can further help you buckle down to achieve a major lifelong goal. While you could feel on one hand that your social circle is thinning out a bit, you’re still likely to be attracting powerful, deep, and mature friendships or forging deeper bonds with those who you choose to surround yourself with.

On a professional level, 2024 will bring a lot of momentum consistently throughout the year. While you’re likely to be cranking away in the early parts of 2024, you could see karmic shifts of fate around your employment, day job, or work projects—especially in the springtime and autumn. Some of you may leave one job to pursue another or polish off a major project that becomes a jewel in your crown. Speaking of your crown, there is a significant focus on your ambitions with Pluto, the planet of intensity, moving further into your career sector. This is just the beginning of the powerhouse you are being groomed to become and many of you could find that you are stepping up as a leader, exerting more power and fame, or even commanding your own “kingdom.” On the other hand, if you’re not in the right industry or your ambitions are not aligning with your destiny, you may fully be reborn around your goals and go in an entirely new direction. When it comes to your finances, once Jupiter moves into your money sector in June, you’ll have the Midas touch to attract wealth, income, and luxury to you for the rest of the year. This typically manifests more lucrative job offers and clients, while those who are self-employed have more demand for their business or may raise their rates. A milestone event could also put your name in lights in the middle or end of summer, so keep that on your timeline.

Last to mention is that there could be a focus on your diet, fitness goals, medications, or physical and mental health this year, too, which encourages you to cut out anything that is weakening you and ultimately not making you stronger. Your emotional energy could be quite intense at the end of the year, so try to get everything done before the holiday season so you can lie low and just live in the moment. Dream big this year, have fun, and let your heart radiate like the sun. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will make you juggle many areas of your life, Gemini, but luckily you’re a master at multi-tasking! In truth, until June, you could feel that the universe is moving along much slower and you’re in a more reflective and sensitive period. Your imagination and dreams could be quite active now and if you’ve been seeking to amplify your spiritual, psychic, intuitive, or creative gifts, you’re quite in luck. This is an excellent period to work on projects behind-the-scenes, daydream about what you want your life to look like in the decade ahead, and rest and recharge. Once Jupiter, the planet of expansion and miracles, dances into your zodiac sign come June, you’ll feel as if the curtains are parting and you are standing center-stage with all eyes on you. The last time you experienced Jupiter in your zodiac sign was the second half of 2012 and first half of 2013. Reflect back on what happened then because you are in a similar place once again. New beginnings, opportunities, happiness, and good fortune are all smiling upon you, as you are now the celestial favorite. However, the key to harnessing this energy is not to simply wait for things to come to you—you must dust off your vision board, strategize, and make things happen! By taking action, you will find the pieces very quickly begin to fall into place. While you may not get “everything” you want just now, you could find that luck is much more on your side. On a predictive note, this transit usually allows one to meet a soulmate, have luck in pregnancy, travel more, pursue spirituality or higher education, attract success and awards, or launch many new personal or professional cycles.

Your personal life will actually be one of the most prominent areas of your life in 2024, with eclipses bringing destined events and turning points to you in the spring and autumn. On one hand, you could meet soulmate connections, fall tremendously in love, spend more time with children or have one, or attract greater popularity and a more supportive network. On the opposite end, you could experience whiplash around these themes too, such as falling in and out of love, drama in dating or with friends, or challenges with children. Singles must absolutely put themselves out there because you could finally meet your winning match.

Professionally, 2024 brings a lot of hard work, to be honest. You’ve been feeling a heavier load recently and it likely feels like the work is just never ending or that you’re not feeling fulfilled in your professional life. Those younger in their careers could find they need to move in a new direction while those who are much further along may realize it’s time to throw in the towel and retire. If you’re somewhere in the middle, you likely are just drowning in projects or assignments. The good news is that the harder you persevere now, the greater the rewards. Keep your eyes on a major professional turning point or spotlight moment in late autumn, as it could be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for. Get excited! Bright lights await! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Keep dancing down the celebratory parade in 2024, Cancer. In many ways, you really have so much to look forward to, especially with the cycles that began in 2023. Despite the fact that you’ll still be dealing with Pluto in the tail end of the heavens across the sky from you, you’ve been dealing with his energy since 2008, so you’re no stranger to his intense life lessons that have dramatically affected your partnerships in business or love. After this year, he won’t haunt you any longer, so take the wisdom you’ve accumulated and set your sights on new horizons ahead. Saturn, the planet of strength, is also gorgeously aligned to you now, which is giving you greater access to personal and professional growth. You may feel a deep urge to explore new adventures, take chances, or build a consistent practice of education, spirituality, or travel. Another way this could affect you is by encouraging you to pursue more international business or relations, which could ultimately bring you a more enlightened vision of the world. Some of you may go back to school, begin work on publishing or media projects, or decide it’s time to get your visa and move to a vast, distant location. Even if you just seek internal spiritual growth, all of these areas can shine for you. When it comes to your professional life, adding credentials to your resume will further get you ahead of the competition. An eclipse in late autumn will also bring an important moment around one of these themes, too.

Next up, there’s great potential for increased wealth and resources from your career, as Jupiter, the planet of expansion and prosperity, is activating this until June, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, activates an area of your chart that deals with inheritances, stocks, investments, settlements, royalties, and big money matters most of the year, too. Truly, this could be a time of great abundance. Also, when it comes to your professional life, you have a powerful eclipse bringing great attention to your ambitions, recognition, and goals in the springtime—likely eliciting the beginning or ending of a job, a spotlight, or award.

While the year could take on a slower and more reflective vibe after May, you will most certainly have an absolutely joyous time prior to that. Jupiter will be expanding luck around your entire life, but especially in relation to friends, supporters, your network, fans, and communities. Popularity could be yours, as if everywhere you go, there’s a red carpet. A soulmate could come your way during that time, romantically or platonically. Important transitions around your home, family, or domestic life are also likely to occur in springtime or autumn, even if it’s as simple as moving house or changing a roommate.

Last to note will be a very slow—and potentially frustrating—end to the year because Mars, the planet of energy and war, will begin a retrograde. You and your money will be especially affected, so plan ahead for that and you should make it through fine. Open your heart to magic this year. You’ll be glad that you did. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will likely be one of your favorite years of the ones to come, Leo—that is until the summer of 2026 rolls around. In truth, you could celebrate everything this year and “have it all” much more than many of the other zodiac signs. You’ve had a rocky road in recent years, and while 2024 won’t be entirely smooth sailing, you’re going to have more in your favor than not.

First, let’s touch on your professional life, which will easily take the majority of your attention until June. As a carryover from 2023, you’ve likely been hard at work seeing growth in your professional world—or deciding it’s time to move in new directions. Success, glory, fame, recognition, promotions, awards, and beyond could all rain down on you—that is, if you’re in the right industry and have been at the right place at the right time. Unfortunately, if you aren’t seeing your “big break” moment or success panning out before your feet, it truly is time to consider how you can utilize your skills and align them with a different industry or career path altogether. 2024 could also bring a greater focus for you on big money matters, whether that’s a settlement, bonus, royalties, benefits packages, stocks, assets, or investments, as Saturn is feeding strength here and encouraging you to think about long-term wealth and security.

In truth, though, your personal life is the area that will likely bring you the vast majority of happiness—especially after June arrives. Jupiter will grace you social sector for the rest of the year, bringing you happy celebrations, a wider network, luck in online dating if single, and vast popularity. This is an awesome period to join communities, volunteer, or get involved. If you have fans, followers, or supporters, they will likely support you more significantly. If you need to ask an acquaintance or person in your network for a favor—especially to help you reach a long-term goal or aspiration—you’ll have more luck on your side to see it granted. A soulmate—platonically or romantically—could also be around the corner, so put yourself out there! The eclipses in springtime and autumn will further activate your social life, whether in the form of neighbors, siblings, relatives, and beyond. However, the one thing I want you to be quite aware of, though, is that you are beginning a twenty-year period where Pluto will oppose your zodiac sign and cause you to transform radically through your partnerships in business or love. On one hand, this can help stale relationships to be revolutionized as you both evolve and grow—or cause you to leave one another in the dust to pursue new connections altogether. You could also begin to attract powerful, influential, or dominant individuals into your path—or those who are a bit more manipulative, shadowy, and vindictive. Be extremely aware of who you are letting into your life at all times.

Last to mention will be the eclipses highlighting one of the following themes: communication-related projects, intellectual or academic pursuits, travel, media or publishing endeavors, or international relations or business. You could find that one of these areas becomes more promising for you—especially in the springtime and autumn. Just be sure to tie everything you can up before the 2024 winter holidays come around because a Mars retrograde will happen in your zodiac sign, bringing a sluggish exhaustion to life and a potential for conflicts with those who do not respect you. Embrace joy this year in every place that you can. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will make you feel like it’s time for a change—and to stand in your strength, Virgo. Since 2023, you’ve experienced both Saturn, the planet of hardship and life lessons, joined by Neptune, the planet of imagination and illusion, across the skies from you. On one hand, this could deeply test your significant partnerships in business or love—or help you to really dig more deeply down together as a team as you map out your long-term visions side-by-side. On a positive note, some of you could be signing excellent contracts and seeing growth in your collaborations or getting married, having a child, or buying a house together. However, a Saturn opposition—as is taking place now until 2026—can also be challenging and cause you to feel like you’re under a dark cloud or meeting opposition with authority figures, enemies, or partners at every turn. This is to help you to know your independence, resilience, and autonomy. If you’ve suffered losses, a break-up, or ill health, this is a time to recommit to yourself so you can flourish and build a better foundation. Pluto, the planet of intensity, is still bringing transformations around your romantic life, fertility, or children, but soon this will be over. He will also bring a radical rebirth around your productivity, physical health, employment, and work projects this year, so be confident that change is coming and as long as you meet it head-on, you can persevere. Last to note in the realm of partnerships, though, is that there will be a major turning point—a time of union or release—due to the eclipse that arrives in late autumn. Some of you could meet a soulmate, move in, get engaged, or be wed, or if you’re not in alignment, decide it’s time to move apart once and for all.

Next up, there will be many opportunities for improved expansion and growth this year, especially on a personal or intellectual level that helps you to feel invigorated. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, dances in a perfect angle to you until June, helping you to prosper and grow around one of the following themes: academics or intellectual pursuits, travel, media or publishing endeavors, spiritual communities, or international relations or business. If you’d like to travel or move abroad, this is a milestone moment to do so. 

Your professional life and finances could also help you to win big in 2024, as well. Jupiter dances into your career zone from June onward, which could help you to reach higher in the realm of ambitions as you scale new heights. Sometimes this brings promotions, new job offers, favorable publicity, fame, glory, or an exhilarating new career path. The eclipses that arrive in springtime and autumn will highlight money matters, potentially bringing a raise, new job offers, new clients, or a beginning or ending around an income stream. Payouts, settlements, bonuses, royalties, or inheritances could also manifest.

2025 will bring even greater change for you, though, and the end of 2024 will be quite slow and lethargic due to the onset of several retrogrades. This is why it would be advised to strike swiftly throughout most of the year as soon as you can so that you can simply roll with the waves of life once the end of the year arrives. Soar to vast, bright, and brilliant new horizons this year. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


One of the most important years of your life is here for you, Libra—and it is likely you already felt this building since 2023. This is all tied to the powerful eclipses that are taking place in your zodiac sign and across the sky from you. Eclipses trigger major destined events that we remember forever—mighty beginnings, endings, culminations, and turning points. The springtime and autumn will be particularly intense for you, as you experience whiplash like you are standing in the midst of a tornado. It is time for you to embrace the next chapter of your life and know what—and who—you want in it. This energy could rapidly redirect you onto new horizons, allow you to go through a rebirth as you shed your past identity to take on a new one, or also watch major moments around relationships pop up. Some of these could be tied to situations like signing contracts or negotiations, moving in, getting engaged, being wed—or even going your separate ways. Singles have a high likelihood of meeting a significant partner.

Your personal life sees a great deal of transition this year. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, spins in a corner of the sky that can increase intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, and trust between an established partner. However, singles or those casually dating will not truly get to enjoy this sensual flow. Pluto, the planet of intensity, has been bringing strong lessons to your home, family, and domestic life in past decades, but soon will be helping you to radically revolutionize your energy around true love, dating, fertility, or children. These themes will all be quite big this year and you could feel as if life is a pendulum swinging back and forth between all of these themes. Singles could feel like they keep running into karmic connections or “fatal attractions” who have enormous magnetism and chemistry.

Last to note will be certain attention on your professional life, with Saturn, the planet of hard work, literally feeding you more and more hard work in your sector of employment. You could feel like you can’t ever get ahead or that your day job is kind of a slog and isn’t ultimately feeding your long-term ambitions. If you transitioned into a better job or new role in 2023—or do in 2024—you could find that despite the heavy load and responsibility, you are adjusting your professional sails to truly build a better long-term foundation. Jupiter turns a corner and moves into your sector of expansion after May until the end of the year, which will likely encourage you to pursue more personal and professional development across the board. If you are to pursue education, academics, or other certifications, you could find that you reap many rewards from them.

Other ways this energy could bless you, though, is around one of the following themes: spiritual endeavors, media or publishing projects, travel, or international business or relations. Moving abroad could sparkle for those who wish to do so. Just try to tie everything up before the end of the year because 2024’s winter holiday season will be notoriously slow. No matter what, let your heart and happiness dominate your journeys. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


After a very intense few years—particularly since the end of 2021—life will certainly feel like it’s on the upswing in 2024, Scorpio. First and foremost, your personal life is certainly the most significant focus of the entire year ahead. Many planets will highlight your personal life—partnerships or casual romances, family, or children—so expect to see many of these areas change and grow. Since May 2023, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and miracles, has been across the sky from you and bringing growth to significant partners in business or love. You will still retain this energy until nearly June 2024, so this is a key period in your entire lifetime to make relationships a top priority. If you are already attached, spend more time together, make long-term plans, and truly revel in the beauty of the moment. Travel, embrace pleasure, and above all, know why you are with your one and only. If you have not yet, you may decide to move in, get engaged, make serious promises, or even be wed during this time. However, if you are single, be sure to put yourself out there to attract people who have long-term potential. In truth, casual dating isn’t going to be the easiest for you at this time, particularly with Saturn, the planet of life lessons, orbiting in your sector of passion. This means that it is paramount to focus on someone who can bring stability, security, and practicality to your life—or at the very least, someone who will stand at your side and is willing to help support you in certain areas that you need. Sometimes this means that you date someone older or more mature. Saturn orbiting in this arena can make it feel hard to keep the spark lit if you’re just looking for something casual or a light hookup or fling, or another area it can bring challenges and obstacles is around children, fertility, or pregnancy. Moving on, Jupiter will glide into your intimacy zone once June hits until the end of the year, promising more intimacy, sexuality, trust, vulnerability, and closeness for those who are in committed partnerships. Again, unfortunately, this does not favor Scorpios looking for a casual dating life or a hot fling—this is all about deep, trusting, and committed connections. Pay attention to the powerful eclipse taking place in late autumn, though, as it’ll bring a memorable moment around true love, romance, a soulmate, or a child. Regardless if it’s a win or a loss, you’ll likely remember it forever.

Next up, Pluto, your planetary ruler and the planet of intensity, has been gliding back and forth into your home, family, and domestic sector and will firmly plant himself here after 2024. This could bring a radical change to this area of your life, such as intense discussions or experiences with family members or parents, or instead, a deep need to resettle and find a permanent home, residence, or real estate. You clearly need a big change and this is going to be building now and in the years ahead. Luckily, with Jupiter’s happy glow in the second half of the year, more wealth, stocks, investments, or benefits could be coming your way in order to help you get where you need to go.

Last to note will be the eclipses that are echoing in the springtime and the autumn—significantly highlighting health, productivity, and mental health. On a health and mental health level, this could trigger the need to meet with specialists, therapists, dentists, or other medical professionals—especially to cause a change around medications, routines, habits, diet, or fitness. On another note, it could be causing you to shift from one job, project, or place of employment to another, or instead to be polishing off a significant project for a boss. Do everything you can to tie up all important matters—especially professionally—before December because a Mars retrograde in your career could cause hiccups or blocks to your goals. Remember, though: happiness is your birthright. Let it find you everywhere that you go. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 could be quite exciting for you, Sagittarius, but you’ll still be feeling the need to apply pressure to get where you want to be. First and foremost, there will be opportunities to continually improve your productivity and hopefully ratchet up your finances, too. Jupiter, your planetary ruler and the giver of luck and miracles, continues to dance in your employment zone until nearly June. This means that if you’d like to switch to a new job, employer, or role, or take on more milestone projects, you could soon be in luck. This is an excellent period to hustle hard and see the fruits of your labor. Pluto, the planet of intensity, is also moving back and forth from your income zone, which is encouraging you to really evaluate wealth and how you can build for the long-term. If you are in a job or career that is not valuing your skills, it’s time to really reconsider your path forward. Interestingly enough, Pluto is also highlighting your intellect, mind, and communication skills, so pursuing the cultivation of these could be particularly rewarding. For instance, going back to school, advertising, travel industries, media, tourism, legalities, radio, journalism, and beyond could be fruitful if you take action soon.

One thing to note, too, is if you’d like to improve your health, physicality, fitness, or diet, use the time prior to June. You could have miraculous luck and opportunities to be stronger than ever before—but be aware either a big turning point, breakthrough, or shake up could happen in the springtime because of a rare planetary dance.

Another area of major interest—and potential “tough love”—will be around home, family, real estate, and domesticity. This is because Saturn, the planet of life lessons, is glaring at your zodiac sign from this corner of the sky. You’re facing hardship, challenges, or friction around one of these themes, such as conflicts or distance with family or a deep desire to set down new roots and settle down truly more deeply than ever before. Sometimes this can reveal someone buys a house—or on another note, needs to step in and take care of their family.

Next to note will be even more focus on your personal life—and luckily—this should be far more joyous. Jupiter will turn a corner in June and dance across the sky from you until the end of the year. This ensures blessed relationships and partnerships, with more harmony, laughter, prosperity, camaraderie, and union. Existing relationships in business or love should grow. If for some reason you are to separate, it merely means the universe is setting you free to find someone else better. Moving in, making long-term promises, getting engaged, or even being wed could manifest—or if single, you could meet a soulmate connection. On a professional level, you could align with the perfect agent, manager, associate, or beyond. The eclipses could bring big shifts to your romantic life, children, or social life, too, particularly in springtime and autumn. This ensures destined events in these areas of life, such as falling in or out of love, watching your child achieve a victory, or news of a pregnancy. You could meet a platonic soulmate friend, attend glamorous or memorable events, or realize one person is leaving your life to soon be replaced by a new social circle. Regardless, you should enjoy this energy more than many other zodiac signs, so revel in it. Let it fill you up and make you shine. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will bring vast new horizons and plenty of opportunities to truly love your life, Capricorn. In 2023, you began to feel like your heart was on fire—or was ready to finally burst into flames! This could have been around one of the following themes: true love and romance, creativity and passion, hobbies or sports, or even children and pregnancy. This joyous energy will become even stronger in 2024 until the end of May. This means it’s one of the most important times in your entire life to live in the moment, stop and smell the roses, and embrace the depths of your heart’s desires. Regardless if single or attached, magical love—soulmate love—could be here for you. This is why if you are looking for your perfect match, do not let a day go by or to waste prior to June, as you could meet your forever person. If seeking to have a child or spend more time with yours, this is auspicious energy. Last, if creative or seeking to simply have more fun, the universe is aligned for you to do so now—you could create one of your greatest masterpieces or instead find that your skills grow magnificently. One thing I’d like to draw special attention to is the springtime, though, when an extremely rare cosmic alignment will happen—bringing tremendous surprises, breakthroughs, or shocking events around all of these themes. You could finally have the “once in a lifetime” moment that changes your life, your love, and your happiness for the better forever. April and May are radiating with cosmic gold just for you.

Next, Saturn, your planetary ruler and the planet of strength, is also in a part of your sky that favors intellectual pursuits, learning, and travel, so these areas could grow for you. Writing, speaking, podcasting, blogging, social media, “influencing,” or collaboration with others may also bring you more pleasure, wisdom, and insight about life. This trend lasts until 2026, so strike while you have it! An eclipse highlighting this arena arrives in late autumn, which could help you to see big growth around these projects, plans, ideas, or contracts.

Another significant focus in 2024 will be your productive life. Jupiter will grace this arena of routine and responsibility beginning in June, improving your employment and likely bringing even more projects, plans, and expectations across your desk. You could find that a new job offer in a similar role or industry pops up or you begin to take on assignments that will ultimately become jewels in your crown. If you’d like a new job or more clients, business should be brisk until the end of the year. Finding the ideal work and life balance will be crucial, so focus on that. Luckily, with Jupiter here, physical health, diet, and fitness should also improve for you. Financially, Pluto will begin to dance further into your money zone in 2024, too, which could bring radical changes around income. On a positive note, you could start to think further about the long-term and how to live rich.

Last to note will be the powerful eclipses taking place this year highlighting the duality between your career and your home. These occur in springtime and autumn. Major shifts of fate and destiny will occur, such as promotions, spotlight moments, awards, or the beginning or end of a job. On the another end, it could cause you to move, see a big transition in your family, or bring a milestone moment around real estate. Regardless, do everything you can to tie up big events and endeavors prior to the final months of the year because a Mars retrograde will cause things to be notoriously slow. Remember: Capricorn, you are ready to live life to the fullest! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will cement the fact that you truly are in a whole new era, Aquarius. Last year, you briefly got a taste of Pluto, the planet of transformation, rebirth, and intensity, entering into your zodiac sign. While this is just the beginning of a twenty-year trend, you can already feel the fires igniting within your life, spirit, and mind. When Pluto is in your zodiac sign, you are much like a phoenix, repeatedly being reborn until you find the right version of you that sticks. While it will surely bring some wild experiences and potentially some loss, know that anything that leaves your life was not meant to serve your highest good. In fact, you are being groomed for more power, dominance, and glory than ever before as long as you are willing to sacrifice to get there. After 2024, Pluto will remain with you for quite some time, so know that this really is the next stage of your evolution.  

Next up, there is a continued focus on your finances, resources, and possessions, as Saturn, your planetary co-ruler and the planet of life lessons, orbits in your money zone. You are being told to think to the long-term, and while it may constrict some of your resources or cause them to be depleted due to the economy, your job, your income, or some big investments you’re making, you’re being encouraged to make your money stretch further. Meeting with an accountant or financial planner could also do wonders for you. An eclipse in late autumn could also bring a big shift to your finances, either a big increase through something like a raise or lucrative client, or a hefty expense you’ll need to handle.

Other eclipses will energize you quite well this year, with them highlighting expansion, personal and professional growth, travel, and your intellectual pursuits. These are quite potent in the springtime and autumn and could see you bounding around to new locations, getting involved in communications projects such as writing, speaking, blogging, or podcasting endeavors, or even signing important contracts. If you’d like to go back to school or update your credentials, these could be great periods. If you’d like to immigrate or spend time in distant locations, you could enjoy this a great deal. You’ll also likely be socializing more because of these eclipses with close friends, neighbors, siblings, or relatives.

Last to mention will be happy growth around your personal life. First, until the end of May, Jupiter, the planet of growth, will be in your domestic sector, bringing blessings to home, family, and real estate. You could find that you move or renovate or even experience more closeness with your kindred. After May, Jupiter dances into your passion zone, invigorating you with euphoria. True love, romance, art and creativity, hobbies and sports, or children and fertility could bring you magical moments. If single, this is a wonderful period to put yourself out there, as you could align with a soulmate. Just try to tie everything up because Mars will retrograde in your partnership sector at the end of the year, bringing some hiccups in projects and relationships. No matter what, though, in 2024, keep your eyes on the prize! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will feel like a carryover from 2023, Pisces. Luckily, you’ll likely find 2024 to be better than 2023, as you are now getting used to the cosmic energy in your life. Saturn, the planet of karma, hardship, and life lessons, has been orbiting in your zodiac sign. On one hand, this can make it feel like you’re under a heavy cloud, bearing tremendous responsibility and weight from the universe. If your health or mental health have been suffering—or instead, your relationships or emotional strength—the universe is telling you that you need to buckle down, find your perseverance, and push through. Obviously, if you are in need of aid, you can always reach out to those who may be able to support you, but the key with Saturn’s energy is to become forged from metal into steel. The harder than you lay down roots now, build a strong foundation, and invest yourself in long-term personal and professional projects, you could find that many all come to fruition in the approaching three decades ahead. In truth, despite it being one of the most challenging periods of your life, it is also one of the most rewarding when you look back upon it.

The next major theme to pay attention to is the shift of Pluto from different regions of the sky. He will briefly spend time in your fulfillment sector, bringing power to your social life and aspirations, but he will predominantly begin to spin in your sector of privacy. On a positive note, this can bring you incredibly powerful psychic abilities, clairvoyant dreams, and profound intuition. You could also be channeling divine spirituality from the heavens or manifest visionary creativity. The key to this, though, is to be open to the patterns of the universe and listen to what your soul and mind are telling you. This is just a taste of what is to come in the twenty years to come.

Next up, the flight of Jupiter this year should bring you much joy and growth. Jupiter expands anything he touches, so when he glides through an area of your sky, you naturally grow. Until the end of May, he is igniting your mind and intellectual pursuits. You will feel more curious about the world, as well as be generating vast, wild, and brilliant ideas. You may find that your communication-related skills proliferate and you are more involved with writing, speaking, media, podcasting, advertising, or other-related endeavors. Contracts are more likely to be attracted to you. Travel will also be quite joyous, and your social life will improve, too. You will certainly be surrounded by more close friends, siblings, neighbors, or relatives. After May, Jupiter shimmies into your domestic sector until the end of the year. This ensures more domestic bliss with family, home, and real estate. You could move, renovate, or redecorate or simply find that you are more pleasant with your relations. Your emotional peace, balance, and serenity should also increase because of this.

Last to note will be the eclipses. In truth, the most important eclipse of the year takes place in your zodiac sign in the late autumn. This will bring a destined turning point in your life, as you are thrust center-stage and watch as your path shifts before your feet. It could also bring a shift in a significant relationship, personally or professionally. Ultimately, though, it will be more about you getting what you want and laying down the law as you face the path the universe is redirecting you upon. The other eclipses this year—in springtime and autumn—bring attention to your wealth, income, assets, settlements, inheritances, and finances. Jobs, income streams, or benefits may begin or end, ultimately pushing you to actively pursue more resources. However, do everything possible to tie up all major projects and plans before the end of the year holidays, though, as Mars will retrograde and cause all matters to hit a glacial pace. Embrace new horizons in 2024, Pisces. You are ready. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas