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April has arrived, and with it, many different energies to balance. While we are still in the center of eclipse season—the period of the year when destiny shifts before our eyes with major beginnings and endings—we could feel like we are in the eye of a hurricane. To complicate matters, we will experience the first Mercury retrograde of the year and it could feel like even more whiplash is upon us, especially since the past few months had no retrogrades in our sky. Because of this, we may feel like sudden events pop up out of nowhere—due to the eclipses—but also like we’re walking through sludge—due to the Mercury retrograde. Expect it to feel fast/slow, up/down, and certainly topsy-turvy. The sun and Venus will also unite with the North Node this month, signaling destined events and relationships entering all of our lives, and Jupiter will also unite with Uranus, which foretells even more shocking news, strokes of luck, and breakthroughs or breakdowns. Needless to say, April could be the most significant month in the year ahead, so go with the flow, listen to your intuition, and embrace this newfound chapter of your life.

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

Mighty Jupiter, our Great Benefic, dances into the flower fields of Taurus from May 16, 2023 until May 25, 2024. Because Jupiter brings growth, expansion, luck, and miracles, he will sparkle over all that Taurus rules: wealth, resources, real estate, possessions, pleasure, sensuality, hedonism, and art. All zodiac signs will finally feel as if we are heading toward better years once again, as living in the moment and going our own pace will feel more enjoyable now. We may feel more practical, realistic, and pragmatic about building our lives, ambitions, and relationships. Being forthright, caring, and reliable will also be more pronounced within people’s natures. This is a time when we want to stop and smell the roses, indulge in great food, intimacy, or romance, and appreciate the good life. Artistic talents will be amplified, as we seek beauty in all ways. We will hunger for indulgence and luxury. All markets that Taurus rules will flourish: banking, finance, real estate, cuisine and fine dining, tactical art, beauty industries, design industries, luxury industries, and fashion. On one hand, this will help us to truly feel more aligned and connected to the beauty of life, but for those that get too lost in hedonism, they may find that they indulge too much and sink into a slothful, lazy routine more focused on passion and desire than getting things done. The best thing about Jupiter in Taurus energy is that it can also provide us the quiet optimism we need to preserve patiently to build toward our greatest hopes and dreams personally or professionally.

Prepare for a major turning point to begin on March 7, 2023. Saturn, the mighty planet of karma and life lessons, will soar into the reefs of Pisces until May 24, 2025 and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026. Important learning curves and karmic transitions will take place in regards to all areas that Pisces rules: spirituality, creativity, psychology, mental health, prescriptions, prisons, the unconscious, and healing. Important information about fear, anxiety, and addictions will emerge in the period to come. Karma will come before us and we will find it is time to heal it and let it go. This will be a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding us back from ascending to our highest good. False prophets, gurus, and secret societies will fall, as well as a streamlining of mainstream spirituality and religion. There will likely be a major overhaul in regards to the medical, psychological, and prison systems. Secrets hidden and disguised in the past thirty years could be aired out in our lives and on a global scale, too. There will be a great focus on how we rest, “escape reality,” and live in illusions or delusions. The key will be to face the truth rather than running away. Those who do so may suffer great losses and further build toxic karma that will need to be resolved in the future or in lives to come. Saturn enters pre-shadow on March 23, 2024, so pay attention to any things that begin to slow down or need revision at this time.

Pluto, the planet of rebirth, death, transformation, and domination, enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces. We are officially entering the Age of Aquarius on more a profound level as Pluto inches ever closer to where the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place at the end of 2020. This will set off a chain reaction of events that will unfold over the coming two decades ahead. Pluto is a planet of intensity, destruction, transformation and rebirth. In a sense, Pluto is like a phoenix — burning down what does not work in order to rise again. Plutonian energy is very often malefic — bringing forth dramatic and painful experiences in order to shed light on truth and bring us incredibly profound growth. On one hand, Pluto can provide tremendous opportunities for renewal, new beginnings and spiritual and financial growth. However, the negative aspects of this mighty planet often lead to obsession, victimization, domination, power struggles, tyrannical control, war and death. All of the themes that Aquarius rules will experience upheaval during this time: social organization, social media, the Internet, humanitarianism, technology, equality and civil rights, socialism, space travel and exploration, and astrology.

Next to mention will be the movement of the North Node—the point of destiny entering into our lives—moving through Aries. The North Node unites with the sun, bringing major new beginnings into our lives, near April 4 (at Aries 15 degrees), while Venus will unite with the North Node on April 17 (at Aries 15 degrees). Major events, destined events, and soulmate connections could enter our lives near these times. Pay special attention to what pops in then!

At the start of the month, the mighty Sun will be roaring through the zodiac sign of Aries. This is often a time of powerful new beginnings, marking the official start of the zodiac year. The zodiac year does not begin in January like our calendars. It actually begins the moment that the Sun moves into Aries—the Spring Equinox. Aries Season is a time that encourages our independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys. As the month begins, we officially face the firepower of eclipse season—the time when our lives shift rapidly around us triggered by the powerful alignments of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon. The air will feel more frenetic. People will be on edge. Chance meetings, synchronistic experiences, and surprise news will occur when we least expect them! The solar eclipse in Aries (19 degrees) takes place at 11:07 AM (Pacific) on April 8, 2024.

The energy of this Solar Eclipse will blast open a door to you, depending on where it falls for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign. Solar Eclipses mark brand new chapters, huge new beginnings, and exciting opportunities. They are often more “friendly” and less emotional than Lunar Eclipses. This Solar Eclipse will create newfound patterns for the coming six months. Because this is a Solar Eclipse in Aries, we will be supercharged within our independence and may choose our own paths rather than focusing on the ideas, plans, or perceptions of others. This will bring a warrior mentality into our minds and we will hunger for fresh starts and new beginnings. Now is a moment to be aggressive when pursuing your plans. Take the lead — do not sit back and watch as everyone else leaves you behind. Be courageous in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. When it comes to astrological aspects affecting this lunation, there are many to pay attention to. First, the solar eclipse is united with Mercury, which will bring a surge of activity to our daily lives, communications, and lives. We could feel quite eager to socialize and connect with as many people as possible. With Mercury being retrograde, though, we may be more focused on situations, relationships, and conversations of the past and may even reconnect with others at this time because of it. Mars, the planetary ruler of this lunation, will be united with Saturn, the planet of strength. On one hand, this energy can make it feel like our Martian, war-like energy is being dominated by Saturn’s overwhelming ice. This can make us fired up, angry, or even vengeful. However, if we are to transmute this intensity in positive ways through hard work, creative projects, or physical activity, immense achievement and victory can be made. The best thing to do is to focus on being productive, compassionate, and focused and if we feel provoked, not to charge into battle. Patience is the key to harnessing this complex energy. Jupiter, planet of expansion, will still be united with Uranus, planet of surprise, so it may be a bit hard to curb our enthusiastic and impulsive desires, though. Venus links with Pluto in a close angle, too, which may make us feel “all or nothing” about our passions, desires, and love nature, as well. Above all, find constructive ways to use your energy and focus on enjoying peace, passion, and pleasure in life and relationships. Remember, though: Mercury will be retrograde at this time, so making decisions isn’t quite as favored now, so if you can hold off until May, you will be happier that you did. It is the second eclipse in Aries between 2023 and 2025. The actions and plans you launch now will culminate around the full moon in Aries (24 degrees) on October 17, 2024. Be brave. Be passionate. Be proud. The upcoming eclipses in Aries will be: a solar eclipse in Aries (9 degrees) on March 29, 2025.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, sizzles on the cliffs of Aries from March 9, 2024 until May 15, 2024. This transit will make our minds especially active and our words sharp! We are less concerned of objective perspectives and more eager to reach a decision rapidly: particularly one that serves us! Our conversations will be more passionate as we channel the bold and assertive nature of Aries. We will want to take the lead in our communications: for better or worse, and we could end up ruffling some feathers. However, we will experience a Mercury retrograde phase throughout most of April, in particular April 1, 2024 until April 25, 2024. However, we could notice matters slowing down as early as March 18, 2024 with Mercury enters pre-shadow. Be aware of what seems to be slowing down, being thrown off its axis, or somewhat confusing after this date. It will be revealed during the official retrograde phase. Mercury will end post-shadow on May 13, 2024.

Mars, the planet of passion and drive, powers through the deep and intuitive seas of Pisces from March 22, 2024 until April 30, 2024. During this time, we will be feeling a collective need to focus on what is lying beneath the surface of our lives and if we are being true to ourselves. For some, they will facing their demons, fears, and anxieties, while others will be watching their dreams become more vivid and colorful. Mars, an active planet, finds it a bit strange going through such an emotional zodiac sign so we will become extremely passionate about our feelings now and our spiritual side may become heightened. Next, Mars becomes ignited in the zodiac sign of Aries from April 30, 2024 until June 9, 2024. When Mars enters a sector of our lives, he energizes it significantly and we tend to see a great deal of momentum build here. Mars burns brightly in Aries, empowering us to pursue our personal goals, ambitions, and put our independence first. This aggressive energy will infuse us and we will be spurned to go after who or what we want impulsively without thinking twice. We will be eager to take the lead, strike out into new territory, and put our own desires and ideas first. This is an excellent period to consider how you can embrace your independence and create the destiny that will make you happiest!

Our goddess of pleasure, Venus, submerges herself in the seas of Pisces beginning on March 11, 2024. This will bring tremendous blessings from Heaven above. Venus is known to be exalted in this Water Sign, which means that she can bring her greatest blessings to us when she is here. Our creative, romantic, and emotional natures will be heightened. We will become especially compassionate to those who we care for and will be more inclined to help others in need. This is a truly magnificent time for singles or those who are committed—so make romance, sensuality, and pleasure a priority. Magic could happen when you open your heart. Venus remains in Pisces until April 5, 2024. Our goddess, Venus, then decides its time to tour the hills of Aries from April 5, 2024 until April 29, 2024. When Venus is in Aries, we are direct and bold in love. This will be a time when you can go after a conquest and start a passionate love affair or take charge in your relationship and bring more adventure to your union. Be passionate. Be courageous. Be a leader in love. Next, the goddess planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters her home zodiac sign of Taurus on April 29, 2024 and will remain until May 23, 2024. Here, she is able to bring forth passionate and sensual romance. She sings a song from above and promises pleasure and abundance to us on Earth. Watch as your heart blooms. New love found now has longevity built within it. It could be the kind of stable relationship you’ve always wanted. Existing unions will benefit from more time relaxing and exploring one another intimately. Artistic talents will also become enhanced, especially those that focus on structure, design, or music. Financial matters should also go quite well now. Attract prosperity to you like a magnet and perhaps you can soon harness the power of King Midas.

On April 19, the powerful Sun will dance along into Taurus, as well. This season grounds the fiery Aries energy that had taken hold of us previously and helps us to look at how we can create tangible results. However, like the Taurean bull, we will need to plod carefully, slowly, and steadily, to build the things that we want. The Pink Moon arrives on April 23, 2023 at 4:48 PM (Pacific) at 4 degrees of Scorpio. The situations, conversations, and events taking place near this time will be connected to what was initiated at the new moon in Scorpio (20 degrees) on November 13, 2023. Similar situations and discussions will appear again now. Full moons in Scorpio bring great attention to how we share resources in our lives and within the world. Striking a balance between what we give and receive will be extremely important and any imbalances within these themes will be tremendously important to face. Investments, assets, and large money matters will be rocked by this full moon. Also, as Scorpio is the zodiac sign that rules intimacy, sexuality, the shadow self and the occult—these topics will be thrust upon the global stage. When it comes to astrological aspects coloring this lunation, there are many to focus upon. First and most prominently, the full moon is square with Pluto, the planet of destruction and domination. Pluto is also the planetary ruler of Scorpio, which makes this connection even more powerful. Power struggles, intense emotions, and compulsive and destructive behavior may be triggered from our deep, inner desires. We must be careful not to be ruthless or manipulative, as the darker sides of human nature may emerge. People may turn to secretive, abusive actions or succumb to addictions or fears. This isn’t because we are being punished by the universe, though, but instead to shed light on what needs healing and transformation on deep, subconscious levels. This can ultimately aid us in eliminating bad habits and behaviors in favor of positive, healthier ones. This is further amplified by Pluto’s sweet link to Neptune, the planet of spirituality. Mars, the co-ruler of this lunation, also unites with Neptune, which can fire up our desires, motivations, and hunger for passion, expression, and sensuality. Jupiter will be uniting with Uranus at this time, too, showing that in order to elevate, we must embrace a forward and progressive mindset to heal ourselves, enrich our relationships, and make our realities a better place.

Next up, we will experience an extremely rare energy: Jupiter, planet of luck, unites with Uranus, planet of surprise, in the fields of Taurus. This could bring shocking twists of fate, major breakthroughs or breakdowns, or wild events to our doorstep. This arrives officially on April 20, but in truth, we’ll feel it building all of April and into May. If you want to take your chances on something, go for it near that time, but don’t do anything too risky. A lot of people will win big, while others lose big near this time. Also expect rocky energy around finances and the economy on the world stage. To know where you could have a stroke of luck or sudden thunderstorm, pay attention to where I have mentioned Jupiter is dancing through your zodiac sign’s horoscopes. For instance, Capricorn Sun/Rising could see a major windfall around love or children, whereas Taurus Sun/Rising could have their whole destiny unlocked after this time, bringing major lucky events.

Important dates to remember in April 2024 for love are the 3, 6, 19, 20, and 29. Significant moments to plan for success are the 11, 19, and 20. However, days that could be a bit more challenging are the 1, 10, and 25. Please note that all dates listed on my website are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles, United States), so please adjust to your appropriate time zone depending on where you are located on Earth. 

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


Major destined events and new beginnings could be summoning you forward in April 2024, Aries. You could truly feel like you’re about to begin a whole new era of your life. This is particularly important to note because of the solar eclipse on April 8 in your zodiac sign. Solar eclipses in your zodiac sign help you to shake off the chains of who you used to be and become reborn like a phoenix. Consider how you’d like to embrace your destiny and go forth to make it happen. You could also be seeing destined turning points around relationships this month, too, triggered from the lunar eclipse in your partnership zone last month. Some of you could be uniting more closely than ever before, moving in, getting engaged, or even being wed. Others may meet a soulmate. Others could be parting ways. No matter what, note that your life is about to look very different in the months and years ahead. However, you could be dealing with situations from the past or a bit of confusion and miscommunication with a Mercury retrograde taking place in your zodiac sign all month, too. Venus, planet of attraction, dances in your zodiac sign from April 5 until April 29, bringing you opportunities to enjoy more pleasure, romance, or beauty. Embrace this cosmic glow up! 

Next to note is that your planetary ruler, Mars, will dash through your sector of privacy and karma from March 22 until April 30. This could affect you in a few different ways. First, you could be hard at work behind closed doors working on development projects. Others of you could be dealing with secretive matters or even going toe-to-toe with enemies or hidden challenges, especially if they are of a psychological matter or tied to actions of the past. Luckily, this energy can really help you to evolve if you are willing to spend time processing your baggage, release it, or even work with a spiritual mentor or therapist.

Jupiter will also soar through your financial zone, bringing sudden shifts of fate around money this month or near April 20.

Last to mention in this wild month will be a full moon in your sector of wealth on April 23. This could see a settlement, inheritance, or large money matter come up for you to face near this time. On one hand, you may see a great amount come in, even in the form of your partner’s income increasing. Others of you may notice that you’re paying off debts or loans, instead. This is an ideal time to apply for resources, though, if you’re in need of them. Go for it! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


The heavens are blazing in April 2024 and you’ll be eager for more pleasure and abundance, Taurus. Jupiter, planet of luck, will dance through your zodiac sign until May 25, giving you a lucky touch on nearly everything. However, don’t just sit back and expect all of your dreams to come true without clearly knowing what you want and taking correct action to manifest it. You will not enjoy Jupiter’s glow for over a decade once he leaves. A major windfall, breakthrough, or destined event could pop up near April 20. This could even be something that has been building beneath the radar from as far back as 2018—perhaps a dearly held hope, aspiration, or dream. Take action near this time and be courageous in building your life and pursuing what sets your heart on fire. 

However, you could also notice that you’re spending more time lying low, working in private or behind-the-scenes matters, or developing projects that you’d like to debut in time due to so much emphasis on your sector of rest and privacy. A solar eclipse appears here on April 8 and a Mercury retrograde ramps up in this sector all month, too. You could notice that situations and people from the past are also creeping back into your life to be reignited or for closure. If you feel your mental health is in need of a check-up or your anxiety is flaring up, now is a time to focus on healing, meditation, and connecting with a specialist. Your dreams will also likely be quite vivid in April. Also, pay attention to your intuition.

The next major theme to pay attention to will be a significant focus on your sector of fulfillment. Mars sizzles in this zone from March 22 until April 30, making you feel quite popular as you mingle with many wonderful people. You could find that you’re socializing and attending glamorous events quite a bit or even expanding your network and meeting likeminded contacts. If you need to ask anyone for a favor, now is the time to strike. You could find that you’re quite busy pursuing your aspirations, hopes, and dreams and tick several of your boxes off during this time. If single, this is a wonderful time for dating, whether that be through online dating or meeting someone through friends. 

Birthday season is just around the corner, too, as soon as the sun ignites your zodiac sign after the 19th. This ensures a vibrant amount of energy as you become supercharged to embrace your year ahead. Be swift in your pursuit of goals personally and professionally. However, be aware that relationships could be taking a spotlight now, too, especially near the full moon on April 23. This could be a time of union or separation in business or love. On the other hand, it could also be a period where you meet a soulmate partner. Above all, know your worth and what you want. Make sure your relationships are as healthy and strong as possible. Happy Birthday, Taurus! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


A lot of activity is promised to you in April 2024, Gemini. First off, expect to be charging full-steam ahead around professional pursuits. Mars, planet of action, stampedes in your achievement zone from March 22 until April 30. This reveals that you are tremendously hard at work to rise higher, hit new milestones, or change your path in your career altogether. If you don’t feel like you’re getting the attention you crave, particularly around recognition, success, power, or fame, you may need to assess your strategies or consider a new path, instead. Luckily, with this much celestial support, you’ll be able to maneuver quite rapidly or even find a new—and better—job. Later in the month, a full moon near April 23 spotlights your daily routines, employment, and work and life balance. You could be polishing off a major project, taking on new clients or endeavors, or even leaving one job for another near this time. If out of work, be sure to apply a bunch around then. You could find the perfect assignments. On other notes, this full moon could instead bring a shift around your diet, exercise, coworkers, or even a pet. Also, pay extra special attention to your dreams and intuition near April 20, as Jupiter will be sending you synchronicities and visions.

The next major factor to note is that your planetary ruler, Mercury, is retrograde from April 1 until April 25. You could feel a bit like your entire life is spinning off the tracks, with delays around every corner, and miscommunication knocking you back a few paces. Try to go with the flow. Yet, it is lovely to note that it is spinning backwards in your social sector, which could allow you to reconnect with many friends, acquaintances, or even lovers from the past. If you’d like to reunite with anyone in particular, seize the day. A solar eclipse on April 8 also spotlights this arena, empowering you to meet new people, attend lively events, or network. A platonic soulmate may now enter into your aura. Others of you may join new groups or communities. Venus visits here, enriching relationships and aiding in romance, from the 5th until the 29th. Yet, all of this cosmic energy may affect you in slightly different ways—around long-term goals, aspirations, and plans. On one hand, you could find that doors are opening to you to reach new milestones, while some of your other plans spin off the tracks. It doesn’t mean that you can’t ultimately reach them, but you may need to revise your path and reconsider your approach. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


A very important month arrives for you in April 2024, Cancer. The first—and likely most important—theme this month will be your career. A solar eclipse spotlighting career ambitions, your legacy, and professional growth arrives on April 8. This could blast a door open to you to rise higher or shift your goals altogether. Venus dashes here from the 5th until the 29th, likely bringing more praise, applause, and positive career advancement. If you’d like to reach to higher rungs on the ladder, apply for a promotion, or find a better job, use this month. Yet, be aware that a Mercury retrograde is causing all sorts of confusion and challenges in this same sector all month, too, so you’ll likely be dealing with ups and downs and delays, too. Be aware that these eclipses may also somehow affect your home, family, or domestic life, too, such as a new job offer that forces you to move or tension between your kindred if you are focused entirely on work. With the retrograde, this could be a great time to reconnect with old employers or dust off old projects to give them another go.

The next key theme for you this month will be all around expansion, particularly professional and personal growth simultaneously. Mars ignites this arena from March 22 until April 30. This ensures so much opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, embrace new horizons, and open up your perception of life and the world. Some possible areas you could see fresh starts follow: international travel or relations or business, immigration, media and publishing industries, legalities, or involvement with academics or spirituality. It could be as simple as enrolling in a class to update your credentials or getting a new certification so you’re more competitive in your industry. Regardless, you’ll be eager to shake it up and be far more expressive. 

Last to mention this month will be your personal life. There is a surge of growth and joy around your social life, groups and communities, and even romantic affairs. Major news, an opportunity, lucky breakthrough, or joyous event may pop up near April 20. If you’d like to ask someone a favor to reach a lifelong milestone, hope, or dream, reach out near this time. You’ll likely be connecting with many people far and wide near this time and could even have great luck around true love, fertility, romance, or dating. In fact, a soulmate could appear soon—further energized by the full moon near April 23. This could be a period where you feel like your heart is on fire, as you make deep promises, or find your dating life is flourishing with many options. However, if an ending occurs, such as a break-up, this could be simply redirecting you to another horizon. Also note that hobbies, sports, and creativity will all be energized near this time, as well as children and fertility. Above all, try to live in the moment and have fun! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April 2024 could bring a slower pace, but that’s going to be fine with you, Leo. A great deal of cosmic energy is highlighting your expansion zone, invigorating you to not only turn within to understand more about how you want to pursue personal and professional growth, but also to open yourself to more outside of your comfort zone. Often times one of the following themes will be spot lit: long-distance travel, immigration issues, international relations or business, relatives, academic or philosophical growth, media endeavors, or even legal plans. While this is a vast array of topics, in astrology, this area of your sky is all about pushing you to look at the world through a new perception. A solar eclipse energizes this arena significantly, so you could see an exhilarating new beginning around one of these topics soon, but do be aware that Mercury retrograde will slow all these matters or cause a fog of confusion around them, too. The best way to harness this energy is to return to places and matters of the past and see if you can give them another go. On another note, if you’re looking for love, it would be ideal to date outside of your normal type between the 5th and 29th. However, due to eclipse season, you could also be dealing with other travel matters, situations around siblings or cousins, or communication-related projects. 

Next to note is that a major change, windfall, or breakthrough around your career or professional life could soon be on the horizon—particularly as you get closer to April 20. If you’d like to roll the dice and aim for success, plan something important near this time—even if it’s something like applying for your dream job.

April continues to put a great emphasis on wealth, whether that be a bonus, settlement, inheritance, large money matter or expense, or assets and investments, too. Instead, your partner’s income could be affected, bringing a spotlight to what they bring in and spend. This is all due to Mars journeying in this sector from March 22 until April 30. In truth, it looks like there’s a lot of spending and monetization coming in, but this would be a great time to meet with an accountant or advisor to even just truly take a deep dive into your budget and long-term plan. If seeking a loan, to pay off a debt, or venture capital, all of these could see luck. 

Last to mention will be the arrival of the full moon that appear on April 23. This will bring a transition around home, family, or your domestic life. Some of you could be moving, renovating, relocating, or stepping in to help a family member. It could be as simple of a roommate moving in or out, getting a gorgeous new piece of furniture or décor, or even signing a new lease. You could feel a bit triggered and emotional near this time, as well, so do your best to rest, recharge, and listen to your intuition. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April 2024 could leave you scratching your head as you proceed through it, Virgo. On one hand, there could be a lot of exciting momentum, but then there may be just as many delays and twists and turns.

First to note will be Jupiter’s continued flight through your expansion zone, where he will unite with Uranus near April 20. A major stroke of luck, change, fortune, or a whirlwind could pop up, especially around the following themes: long-distance travel, immigration issues, international relations or business, relatives, academic or philosophical growth, media endeavors, or even legal plans. However, you could instead be offered a life-changing opportunity for personal or professional growth or may instead feel filled with courage to charge into new territory.

Next up, April spotlights partnerships, relationships, and teamwork. Mars continues to parade across the sky from you from March 22 until April 30. You’re in a major trend of making long-term plans with someone else in business or love. For instance, you could be eager to move in, get engaged, be wed, or discuss where things are heading. If not in alignment, you could be feeling the tension or discussing parting ways. If single, this is a great time to find your sacred partner

After this, there’s likely to be a lot of focus on finances, wealth, and assets in the weeks ahead. This is because of the might of eclipse season rocking these sectors of your sky. For instance, you could find that you’re leaving one job for another or in the process of re-negotiating a new benefits or royalties package. On the other, you could lose an income stream and be forced to dive into your assets or investments to pull you out. The solar eclipse on April 8 could bring an exciting new chapter for you and may even bring a change to your partner’s income. Yet, be aware that with Mercury retrograde also taking place, you’ll be deeply reassessing and reading the fine print on these areas of your life. You could certainly experience confusion or miscommunication, as Mercury is your planetary ruler. The best thing to do with this energy is to lie low, rest, recharge, and go back to situations, plans, and relationships from the past, especially if they involved money. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April 2024 could be one of the most important periods in the year ahead, as you’re still in the heat of eclipse season, Libra. You could still be reveling in the major turning point, ending, or transition that began to be initiated for you last month and experiencing the fall out from that in the month ahead. You’ve likely felt that you want to charge toward your destiny, embark on a “new you,” and this is likely deeply affecting your significant relationships. April will turn the spotlight even further upon a major connection in business, collaboration, teamwork, or love with so much celestial energy across the sky from you. Before I dive into all of that, though, I do want to bring up there could be a big shift around assets, investments, wealth, payouts, an inheritance, or settlement this month, too, particularly near April 20. If you’d like to try your hand a little at gambling or getting involved in wealth creation, try your hand at it near then—you could strike gold. Just don’t be too frivolous or careless, though. This energy could see your partner’s income increase, too. On the other hand, this could favor more intimacy, trust, and vulnerability between the two of you, too. Yet, backing up to earlier, a solar eclipse in your partnership zone arrives on April 8, opening a doorway to you to unite—or separate—with another. This could bring the arrival of a soulmate, if single, or the perfect match in business, like a manager, agent, fitness trainer, or even assistant. If in a union, you could take long-term steps forward, such as moving in, getting engaged, deciding to have a child, or being wed. Don’t be too hasty, though, and make sure you’re truly on the same page—a Mercury retrograde phase will be obscuring many details and spinning through this sector. This energy could cause you to realize you’re not seeing eye-to-eye or even reconnect with someone from your past. If you’ve already planned your wedding ceremony for this time, consider rushing to sign contracts before April or into May, even if you’re already planning the celebration. This can help you avoid some of the Mercury retrograde madness. The full moon later in the month, near April 23, could also bring more shifts around income, such as a raise, new job offer or client, or even the end of a stream of income. Assess your finances, consider ways to monetize more, or even just look for a different job.

April’s last major theme of the month is around work, productivity, and health. You’ll be very busy with your daily routines and juggling your work and life balance. This is due to Mars invigorating this sector from March 22 until April 30. You could be cranking along on big projects, building business, or seeking to find a new job or client work. Improving your health could also be a priority if you are feeling ill or unhappy with your weight or strength, so seek the aid of a doctor or specialist who can guide you on fitness or diet plans. Above all, April promises change, so buckle up for it. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April will keep you on your toes, Scorpio. When you set your mind on something, put your head down, and focus, you think you can power through everything. However, this month could be a little irritating because you may be forced to take one step forward and then two steps back. This always grates your nerves. Let’s first note where your life will be deeply focused: your productivity zone. A solar eclipse in this arena appears on April 8, likely blasting a door open before you to debut new projects, take on more clients or projects, or find a new job. Many of you will be focused on building a better work and life balance—or at the very least, trying to. You could be juggling many things, such as your daily routines, staff if you have them, pets, responsibilities, fitness, diet, and more! In fact, you could be deeply invested in a new health regiment, too. Yet, with a Mercury retrograde affecting this same zone, you could find that things are falling through the cracks, there are delays and stagnation consistently, or that you are being required to go back a thousand times on revisions on projects. If you’d like to reconnect with an old job or coworkers, this could be a good time. If challenges emerge around present coworkers, do your best to proceed with grace. As I noted regarding your health, you could find that you’re especially burnt out and even dealing with more anxiety about life, the past, or secrets. Rather than feeling like the universe is punishing you, though, go with the flow as much as you can.

Next up, with Jupiter continuing to dance across the sky from you, relationship matters should be emphasized at this time. Jupiter will unite with Uranus on April 20, which could bring a sudden shift, change, or lucky breakthrough around partnership, contracts, or negotiations. For instance, a sudden engagement, spontaneous wedding, or break-up out of nowhere could all take place. Uranus is the planet of the unknown—so what you “expect to happen” rarely ever does. Just be aware that something destined certainly is brewing!

Mars continues to bring energy and zest to your passion zone from March 22 until April 30. In truth, this is one of the most fortunate times in years for singles to put themselves out there and find someone who fulfills them on all levels. Sex, chemistry, and spice are nearly guaranteed! But don’t just sit back in a corner waiting for someone else to “come hither.” Go after who and what you want! Couples can use this energy to reignite their spark. If you have children, you may find more attention, excitement—or even tension—in regards to them. If seeking pregnancy, you’re in luck. Focus on hobbies, sports, and creativity during this extended time and you’ll feel particularly aligned with the universe.

Last to note this month is a full moon in your zodiac sign on April 23. In the week surrounding it, you could feel like you are being thrust into the spotlight and plans you’ve been building toward in the past six months are now here before you. A turning point, ending, or transition may also manifest now, whether in regards to relationships or you stepping into your power. You’ll likely feel fired up and intense. If for some reason you’re not getting what you dearly desire near this time, the universe is telling you that you need to take a different approach. Trust your heart and listen to the spirit of the cosmos. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


Let fire ignite the sky for you in April 2024, Sagittarius. A great deal of energy will be focused on your personal life. This is due to the powerful eclipses radiating in the heavens. Last month, a social energy was activated with a major turning point around a friendship, community, or group you belong to, and you may have met many new people. This energy echoes into your life now, but could need some readjustments. Most notably, a solar eclipse in your passion zone arrives on April 8, blasting a doorway open around true love, romance, courtship, children, or fertility. On another note, it could also spotlight your creativity, hobbies, sports, recreation, or sense of expression. Singles could meet a soulmate while couples could make important plans or express deep declarations of desire. If you’re not aligned, though, you could separate. For those who have children, they may rise up in extra importance at this time through something like winning a competition or another milestone moment. If seeking pregnancy, you could be in luck. More happiness is likely to arrive especially with Venus gracing this corner of the sky from April 5 until April 29. Don’t let this great energy go to waste! However, be aware that a Mercury retrograde will occur in this same sector, which may cause confusion, delays, miscommunication, or drama around these themes. On a different level, some of you could even be thinking of or reconnecting with exes or people from the past. If you can hold off on making any promises until May, you’d be better off.

Next up, you’ll find further focus on home, family, and domestic affairs. Mars brings activity and a fiery focus from March 22 until April 30 to this arena. This could get you energized about family or real estate projects, such as moving, renovating, or redecorating. Others of you could be entertaining many guests or hosting parties, while others may need to step in for one of their kindred, especially a parent. If tension bubbles beneath the radar, do your best to handle it with compassion.

Also, be aware that a sudden change or breakthrough could happen near April 20 as Jupiter unites with Uranus. This could cause you to focus on one of these themes: productivity, employment, coworkers or staff, physical health and fitness, or even pets. Shocking or exciting news is likely.

Last to mention this month would be the intense full moon on April 23, which falls in your sector of privacy, undoing, and rest. You will likely feel very burnt out in the week that surrounds it, as you require more rejuvenation and relaxation. Enjoy a spa, meditate, and lie low. Some of you could be hard at work on projects behind-the-scenes, too, or dealing with the sudden emergence of a secret that you or another had hoped was kept in silence. Above all, try to go with the flow. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April 2024 continues a major trend around your personal life, Capricorn. This has been such a key theme for you in the past year that you may feel almost as if you’re entirely focused on love relationships, family, and friends. In truth, this month could be one of the biggest months about all of this. First to note, though, is that Jupiter continues to race through your passion zone until May 25, but on April 20 he will unite with Uranus, the planet of surprise. A major twist of fate or sudden news could happen around one of the following themes: true love, courtship, children or fertility, near this time. On the other end, it may bring joy through hobbies, games of chance, sports, recreation, or creativity. Plan something special and take a chance!

However, expect a lot of back and forth around your home, family, and domestic life, too. A solar eclipse on April 8 will bring a destined new beginning, such as a move, renovation, redecoration, or relocation. You could soon sign a lease, buy or sell a property, or even watch as someone moves in or out of your home. On another note, you could be stepping in for your kindred, especially a parent. Others of you could become deeply interested in the past, especially your ancestors or heritage. With Venus dancing here from the 5th until the 29th, you’ll surely be granted opportunities for peace, serenity, and balance if you so choose. Yet, a Mercury retrograde could be causing confusion, ruckus, and some challenges around these areas of your life, too, so be aware that it may be best not to make major decisions about anything until May if you can hold off. Be aware that transitions around your home could also be tied to changes in your career, too.

Next up, you’ll feel invigorated around intellectual pursuits or travel. Mars energizes these themes from March 22 until April 30. In truth, you could be ready to step out of town for business or pleasure and could find exhilarating and eye-opening experiences. For those involved in academics, learning, or communication industries, you could find a lot of progress in these coming weeks. For the general individual, it could be as simple as updating your social media or website, being extra engrossed in a new podcast series, or finishing up important contracts or proposals. You’re likely to notice an uptick in your social life near this time, especially with close friends, neighbors, or even relatives.

Last to mention this month will be a full moon in your fulfillment and social sector on April 23. In the week that surrounds it, you could find you’re uniting with many friends, acquaintances, and supporters. Applause, praise, and a sense of adventure could invigorate you. You could feel especially close to your tribe—or notice that a friend is leaving your life, instead, such as moving away. Instead, you may find that you’re now pursuing a heartfelt hope or dream and it is now within reach. Aim high! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


April 2024 is pushing you to move forward yet still review your past, Aquarius. A lot of change has already been hinted to you—the death of an old life in the pursuit of a new one. This is all tied to the twenty-year transit of Pluto in your zodiac sign, which you began to feel in 2023 but has become stronger now. Also, pay attention to anything shifting around home, family, or your domestic life near April 20—Jupiter unites with Uranus, your planetary ruler, ensuring something is about to change in a major way. This could be as simple as finding your dream piece of furniture or hearing from a long lost relative or as major as finding your dream home and putting in an offer. Expect the unexpected. 

Next up, you’ll have a lot of energy on your financial zone. This should bring a great deal of attention to income, assets, investments, and expenses. Luckily, you could be entitled to more if you are smart about it. Mars will energize this zone from March 22 until April 30, so you’ll surely be checking your budget because it appears you’re spending a lot but also deeply eager to make more.

Your intellectual and travel zone is particularly highlighted this month, too. A solar eclipse could bring a destined new beginning after April 8. Some of you may notice you’re being far more social, especially with friends, neighbors, and siblings. Others of you could be bounding around to nearby destinations and locales, immersing yourself in new experiences. Communications projects could pop up, even if it’s as simple as updating your website or as big as being featured on a new podcast. Contracts could also be on the table. Last, you could find your mind especially stimulated, encouraging you to learn new ideas and skills. Yet, something seems to be “off,” with Mercury retrograde in this sector. Beware of miscommunication, confusion, or situations falling between the cracks. The best way to use Mercury retrograde now is to revise your plans, go back to old projects, or revisit old friends or destinations. You’re also likely to have a disagreement with someone you connect with on a more regular basis that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Last to mention this month is a full moon in your achievement zone on April 23. In the week that surrounds this lunation, you could see a shift around your career or legacy, such as a promotion, favorable press, an exciting compliment from an authority figure, or even the ending of one job to move to another. If for some reason you lose a job or face criticism, you are being forced to move in new directions. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


You’re still feeling fired up in April 2024, Pisces. That’s because Mars, planet of drive and energy, will still give you courage and strength from March 22 until April 30. Now is one of the best times in two years to launch new initiatives, take action and take the lead, and charge into new territory personally and professionally. Not only are you more magnetic and sexy, but your courage will draw many people to your charisma and strength. Harness this vibe now because you will not possess it again for nearly two years.

Also, pay extra attention to anything that pops up near April 20 when Jupiter unites with Uranus in your intellectual and travel zone. This could be as simple as a breakthrough, genius idea, a powerful conversation that changes your perspective, or news from a friend, sibling, or neighbor that leaves you shocked. Exhilarating communication or travel possibilities could also soon pop up.

The next major theme this month centers entirely around your finances. A solar eclipse on April 8 will bring a destined fresh start after this time, such as a raise, new job offer or client, side hustle, or opportunity to monetize in previously unplanned ways. Assets, investments, and your partner’s income could also be shifting near this time due to the eclipse season energy. Settlements, inheritances, and other large money matters may somehow be linked, too. If you’d like to increase your wealth—and it is likely you do—now is an important period to strategize ways to do so. However, be aware that a Mercury retrograde will be causing havoc in this sector all month, which could bring challenges around money, delayed checks, confusion about income and expense, or even frustrations with your job. Keep a handle on finances and you’ll be glad that you did.

Last to mention will be a full moon in your expansion zone, which appears on April 23. In the week that surrounds this, you could find your attention centered on any of the following situations: long-distance travel, international business or relations, relatives, academic or intellectual pursuits, legalities, or even media endeavors. Regardless, you’ll be ready to pursue new horizons. Embrace them! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas