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2024 will be a year that brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs to embrace their heart’s desires, improve their relationships, or connect with new people who could change their lives forever. While certain zodiac signs may have a bit more “cosmic luck” on their sides in the love department, 2024 certainly promises more fun, surprises, and chances to step outside of one’s comfort zone and change up their routine. 

On a collective level, the most important factor to mention is that we will continue experiencing eclipses on the axis of Aries-Libra. Regardless of your zodiac sign, the themes that are represented by Aries-Libra will be thrust center stage on a collective, global level as well as within our lives. This will certainly bring into focus “me” versus “we” energy. The yin and yang of independence and partnership will be brought to the forefront of our lives as we seek to dance with a twin flame. These eclipses will bring karmic partners into many people’s lives, one who is destined to stand by your side. However, if we are not in truly equal and beautiful relationships, we may instead be freed from them and redirected on a new path altogether. While these eclipse cycles will be felt most potently in the springtime and autumn, in truth, they will echo out like a resounding bell for the entire year. We have one eclipse in Pisces in the autumn, too, which could bring a more spiritual air to our lives and relationships, as well as bring us into contact with soulmates or past life connections or instead heal baggage and trauma from the past that has been haunting us and keeping us from connecting in healthier ways. All of this energy will be karmic, fated, and destined in nature.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, will dance in the fields of Taurus until nearly June, making us feel more indulgent, hedonistic, sensual, and romantic. This could also make us feel a bit more possessive of others, but the good thing about this transit is that it can help us to build our relationships and connections for the long-term. Once June arrives, Jupiter will spend time in Gemini for the rest of the year, which will bring a more social vibe to our lives, as we are stimulated to connect with others, form new friendships, and communicate our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. However, we must be careful to not be too flighty, indecisive, or afraid of commitment during that period in time. In truth, the energy will encourage us to be more spontaneous, embrace our social networks, and really give more time and attention to our friends.

While we will not experience a Venus retrograde in 2024, we will end the year with a Mars retrograde that will bring intensity to the skies of Leo and Cancer. This means that there could be tension in romance or dating, or around children or family relations. People from the past could certainly start trickling back into our lives as early as October, whether that be an ex, old flame, past life connection, or someone we ultimately need closure with. It would not be advised to start a relationship or get married in December—keep that in mind.

The last thing I wish to mention is that Pluto, the planet of intensity and transformation, will venture into Aquarius, the zodiac sign of friendships, communities and online dating, throughout most of this year but also more permanently after this year. This ensures that we will get a taste of what’s to come for the approaching twenty years. Connections with friends and in our social circles will experience radical evolution—for better or worse. We may leave behind people who are no longer serving our higher good or be drawn to friendships that have the power to change us on the most profound and primal levels. Again, this will bring a learning curve within each of our lives and on a global level.

Now take a peek into what 2024 will bring to your love life, sex life, commitments, and relationships!

Before I dive into the astrological weather for the month, though, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my work and supporting me. Every month, I spend hundreds of hours creating astrology content and releasing it online. I am so grateful to be able to do what I am now, which is why I put so much heart into writing for global publications, my weekly Power Horoscope graphics, my live videos/reels and here. For each person who shares my work, sends it to a friend, follows me online, or books a reading with me—the greater my ability to spread light all over the world becomes. I am grateful for you! 

To read about other astrology patterns going on right now, read here: Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, the Great Conjunction setting the tone for humanity for 200 years as well as the main theme for each zodiac sign, Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.

May the stars ever be in your favor. Now read below to find out how the month will affect you specifically! Please share it with all of your friends and networks.


2024 is one of the most important years in nearly a decade for your relationships, Aries. This is all tied to the powerful eclipses in your zodiac sign and your sector of marriage and partnership. In truth, you are stepping into a new version of yourself, so you will need a significant partner to mirror who you are becoming or you may be more focused on leaving them in the dust. The good thing is that you will have many opportunities to improve your relationships because of these eclipses, bringing fated moments where you make long-term decisions, move in, get engaged, or get married. If you’re single, you could soon find that this “new you” is attracting people with long-term potential. If you are to leave a relationship this year, you are merely being redirected to other connections down the line. In the first half of the year, you could feel especially sensual, intimate, and cuddly—or instead, more possessive. In the second half of the year, you’ll feel more social. Friendships and your social life will see extreme growth and attention in 2024, which can bring joy to you whether you are single or attached. When it comes to great times for passion, sex, and simply having fun, you’ll surely enjoy the middle of spring and middle of autumn. Just be cautious of exes, old flames, or romantic drama at the end of the year. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 could be the year you’ve always waited for, Taurus. With Jupiter, the planet of luck in your zodiac sign until nearly June, you are in a tremendously expansive and joyous phase of life filled with new beginnings. This is one of the most auspicious periods in twelve years to meet a soulmate, fall in love, have a child, get engaged, or even be wed. Many happy personal milestones are sure to happen, regardless if you are single or attached. However, the key to making them manifest is to know your worth, embrace your authenticity, and put yourself out there to meet new options or be direct with your partner. Travel could also be especially sweet for you. In the second half of the year, you could feel a bit more possessive, so be aware of that, though. Even though life was likely very rocky or filled with major turning points in relationships between 2021 and 2023, this will not be as prominent now. Be aware that a major event or situation involving a friend—or a soulmate you meet through your network—could take place in the autumn. It could also mean that a friend leaves your life. Another thing to note is that Saturn is bringing life lessons around friendship this year and could make your social life a bit more grounded and practical or you may instead be attracting friends who are more successful, long-term, or mature and can help you build greater levels of joy or prominence. As for times when you’ll feel fired up, magnetic, and sexy, keep your eyes toward early summer. An ex or confusion around romance could happen in summer, too, especially August. The end of the year could see you making big plans with family or domesticity, but if there is friction, do your best to live with grace. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 could be one of your favorite years in nearly a decade, Gemini. While the first half of the year could be especially slow, you may also be focusing on spending time reflecting on your needs in relationships, releasing or healing baggage or wounds, or even just preferring solitude. However, the curtains will part as if you’re standing center stage once Jupiter, the planet of miracles, dances into your zodiac sign come June for the rest of the year. This is one of the luckiest periods of your life to see great happiness in your personal life and relationships, regardless if single or attached. You are certain to experience many new beginnings and adventures, especially in regards to travel or a more optimistic mindset. Important personal milestones like meeting a soulmate, falling in love, having a child, moving in, getting engaged, or even being wed may happen. If single, this is an extremely important time to mix and mingle—especially if you’re willing to date outside of your normal “type.” The eclipses will be intense for you this year, highlighting big moments around true love, fertility, friendships, and your social circle—especially in springtime and autumn. You could fall in and out of love, experience whiplash in your personal life, or notice that you’re meeting people who feel like karmic, past life connections. Regardless, these energies will bring many important and memorable moments for you. As for times when you’ll feel more ramped up and sexy, keep your eyes to the beginning of the year for intimate vibes and the middle of summer for when you’ll feel on top of the world! Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will make you feel especially celebratory, Cancer—at least until June. This is because Jupiter is highlighting your social circle, friendships, online dating, and hopes. You will likely feel a deep sense of joy and gratitude for life as you are surrounded by many people who love and adore you. You could meet a soulmate through your network if single—or even realize an acquaintance or friend you previously overlooked is what you’ve needed all along. After June, you could feel more reflective, private, and nostalgic about your personal life and desires. In truth, this isn’t the best energy to meet someone new but can help you to evaluate your needs, reconnect with someone from the past, or heal and find closure. Two eclipses in 2024—one in springtime and one in autumn—will highlight your home, family, and domestic life, which could see you moving or stepping in to get closer with your kindred. On another note, Mars will bring a lot of speed and excitement to your personal life in 2024, too. At the beginning of the year you’ll be fired up to make long-term plans or find a partner—or could be at each other’s throats in conflict if there’s been challenges underneath the radar. Birthday season will be especially festive. Autumn, however, will make you feel sexy and in charge—but be aware that a Mars retrograde phase in your zodiac sign could cause friction, stagnation, or a “dead zone” in relationships at the end of the year and into 2025. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will be a year that you likely enjoy deeply, Leo. While you are dealing with some intense energy from Saturn and Pluto, you can still grow from it and realize you’re moving toward a new era in your relationships. Saturn is giving you life lessons around trust, vulnerability, intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality. Pluto is causing you to face the deep truths about what you do—and don’t—want in committed unions. These themes built in 2023 and will echo until nearly 2026 and beyond. On a glorious note, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will dance into your sector of joy and friendship after June for the rest of the year. This guarantees a more active social life, many celebrations, and a lot of time to connect with people who love and cherish you. Soulmate friendships could come into your life or you could experience a great deal more popularity—as if everyone wants a piece of you! Online dating will be lucky and brisk for singles, likely with a never-ending waitlist of people who want to meet you. Next to note is that travel would fan the flames of love for you this year, so go for it if you can! Last to mention will be the energy of Mars, who ignites your desire for partnership and ability to make long-term plans at the end of winter and into spring—or causes some ripples of friction to build. Then, he fires up your sex appeal and drive at the end of the year, promising opportunities for passionate fun and animalistic pleasure. Just be aware that Mars will retrograde in your zodiac sign, which could dig up karmic issues around sex, passion, exes, or conflict then, too. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will continue to bring you important life lessons around partnership and romance, Virgo. Since 2008, you’ve experienced Pluto bringing “tough love” and intensity around true love, romance, dating, children, or fertility. “All or nothing” connections, fatal attractions, or magnetic, obsessive love stories could have occurred during that time. Soon—after 2024—he will no longer have any further lessons to teach you, so hopefully you’ve learned them. You’ve likely been facing a turning point around all matters of commitment and union, too, and this will continue now. Weak relationships have shattered because they did not truly support you and some of you may even be feeling lonely, isolated, and having challenges meeting someone. Yet, this energy can work on a different wavelength—helping you to get serious, make long-term plans, and build a foundation with someone, especially if they are older, more mature, or able to bring more stability to your life. If you work on making your connection stronger now, it could stand the test of time! Other factors to note this year are that travel could fan the flames of love—especially prior to June. If single, consider dating outside of your normal “type.” You could find someone who captivates your mind and spirit. Last to note will be the energy of Mars, which will fire up your dating life, heart’s desires, and sex drive until Valentine’s Day, then make you extremely popular all of autumn. This could make you more social, attend more events, enjoy more time with friends, or have more luck in online dating. Just be aware that the end of the year could feel a bit slow as you prefer cuddling up at home with your one-and-only or choose solitude over intimacy. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will bring destiny for you to face yet again, Libra. In 2023, you began to experience eclipses in your zodiac sign and across the sky in your sector of partnerships. This will bring the next stage of your journey before your eyes. On one hand, 2024 could cause you to align with a destined and committed partner or make long-term plans, move in, get engaged, or even be wed. However, especially due to the solar eclipse in springtime, if you haven’t met with your sacred person or “the one,” you may find great luck in connecting with them in the six months following this eclipse. The key, though, is to know your worth and what your authentic needs are as you put yourself out there. If for some reason you’re leaving a partner, you are being redirected to new horizons and a new life path. Intimacy, trust, shared resources, and sexuality are also especially potent for you until June—or if you’re going through a divorce or separation, a settlement may finally be reached. Pluto, the planet of intensity, could help you revolutionize your previous dating patterns or see a big change around children or fertility. On the other hand, it could also attract “all or nothing” romances, fatal attractions, and magnetic, obsessive love stories. In the second half of the year, travel will fan the flames of love—or if you’re single, consider dating outside of your normal “type.” Someone marvelous could enchant you. Last to mention will be the movement of Mars, as he ignites your desire for union—or causes friction to boil over—in the middle of springtime. Friendships, a wild social life, and popularity in online dating could all manifest toward the very end of the year—but be aware that an ex, old flame, or someone who you had a passionate fling with could be coming back at that time and demanding answers. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 could truly be the year that you feel your greatest union in partnerships, Scorpio. Jupiter, the planet of luck and miracles, dances across the sky from you until June, helping you to grow in relationships, make long-term promises and plans, or even get engaged or be wed. If single, you could also have especially good luck in attracting a soulmate partner who mirrors you perfectly in the ways you’ve always needed. You experienced a great deal of whiplash and ricocheting from 2021 until 2023, but that is behind you now, so things should be on the upswing. However, it is still crucial to note that Saturn will be bringing life lessons around dating, romance, true love, fertility, or children, which on one hand could make it harder to attain them or enjoy them—or help you to buckle down, get realistic, and think about how you can step up to the plate and lay down a more solid foundation. Yet, with all this cosmic energy in your favor this year, you could really tie the knot with someone or meet a connection who stays at your side forever. Jupiter will move into you sector of trust, sexuality, shared assets, and intimacy in the second half of the year, further enhancing your connection—but this does not favor singles or those casually dating—only those in committed rapports. Last to note is the movement of Mars, who will bring passion, a high libido, and opportunities for animalistic zest in early springtime. Later, he will turn your attention to partnership—or cause tension to boil up—throughout the early half of the summer. Also, pay attention to the eclipse energy in early autumn, as it could trigger a turning point around love or even align you with a soulmate. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 is a major year for your personal life, Sagittarius, giving you all the goods! First and most important to note will be the movement of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, moving across the sky from you after May. This could attract a soulmate connection or cause you to grow in your established union. You could also be making important, long-term plans and promises, like moving in, deciding to have a child, or getting engaged and married. If for some reason you separate, it’s just because you’ll ultimately thrive better with more freedom. The next key aspect to note is that you are experiencing powerful turning point events—destined and fated in nature—around true love, passion, romance, children, or fertility due to the eclipses this year. First, these could cause you to align with a soulmate, fall in or out of love, or make eternal memories that live in your heart forever. However, you could also realize the spark is gone. If you have children, they will surely dazzle you. On the other end, they’re also affecting your friendships, social circle, and network. This means you could bring in a platonic soulmate into your life, realize that you’re in love with a friend, or have a falling out with a friend—there will be no middle ground. Luckily, the eclipses are favoring you more than not. Last to mention will be Mars, who ignites your sex drive and hunger for romance in the middle and late springtime. Partnership matters—for better or worse—will be highlighted in late summer. The end of the year could be slow, though, as Mercury will cause confusion and delays in your life as he turns retrograde in your zodiac sign. Just be aware. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 will bring so much magic to your life and ignite fire within your heart, Capricorn. In 2023, Jupiter, the planet of miracles and luck, danced into your sector of passion. This has brought fortune and blessings around true love, romance, dating, fertility, or children. This is an excellent time to put yourself out there if single—you could truly find “the one.” If committed, you could reignite your spark and enjoy each other even more. If you have children, you may find that you experience wondrous moments with them that leave you in awe. Remember: making time for love will be a top priority, though, especially while the energy favors you until June. Do not let this go to waste because you will not experience it again for almost twelve years! The next theme to note is that a turning point around home, family, or domesticity may manifest near the springtime, such as a change in residence or need to step in for your kindred. Last to mention will be the movement of Mars, who will ignite your zodiac sign at the turn of the year until Valentine’s Day, making you hot, in charge, and magnetic. Your sex drive will likely fire up, too. Later in the year, your dating life could see passion and primal lust in the first half of summer, while once the autumn hits, your attention will be entirely on relationships and intimacy. Note that at that time you will likely see where you stand with a union—or have to fight to keep it. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 is a big year for many reasons for you, Aquarius. First, you are getting acquainted with the energy of Pluto energizing your zodiac sign—but it might feel a bit like a rough fit. You could feel like you need to radically release yourself from patterns and behaviors in your relationships and personal life. On the other hand, you could be noticing that you’re feeling more dominant, possessive, obsessive, magnetic, or even sexual! This energy sinks its teeth into you further this year and will remain for twenty years. Next up, Jupiter, the planet of miracles, is moving through your domain of domesticity, home, and family, which could bring more peace and happiness here. If you are to move, you will surely enjoy it and capture a residence with a touch of magic. This energy lingers until nearly June. However, as if fireworks will be igniting within your heart, Jupiter ventures into your sector of passion in June until the end of the year. This ensures bliss and growth around true love, romance, dating, fertility, or children. If single, you could meet a soulmate who dazzles you and changes your life forever. If you have children, you’ll have so much fun together, or if seeking a child, you may now have luck. Another fun energy to navigate this year will be opportunities for travel—so regardless if single or attached, eternal memories will be made when you step outside of your comfort zone. Last to mention will be the movement of Mars, who will amp up your charisma and confidence after Valentine’s Day for six weeks. Your romantic life could get especially fiery in late summer. Later in the year, beware of challenges, delays, or confusion around partners and friendships. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.


2024 is going to feel like you’re finally standing on a firmer foundation, Pisces. This is because Saturn is continuing to orbit in your zodiac sign and will do so until 2026. If you are feeling like there’s a great deal of weight on your shoulders or you’re under a heavy cloud, this is forcing you to buckle down and understand your true needs. Remember: taking time not only for yourself, but also love and romance, are important. Next up, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will be encouraging you to travel and socialize until June. You could find that your friendships grow and you end up meeting many new people, regardless if single or attached. After May, Jupiter moves into your domestic zone, bringing luck to home and family. You could now see your family grow or enjoy more time with them. You may also move to a wider and more joyous residence. Next, pay attention to the powerful eclipse that will spotlight your zodiac sign in the autumn—a major turning point in a significant relationship could be at hand, like moving in and uniting or breaking apart. This focuses especially on you getting your way and embracing your authenticity. Above all, know that love and pleasure will flourish at home. Last to mention will be the movement of Mars, who will ignite your magnetism, energy, and libido in the first half of springtime. Dating, primal passion, and many adventures will occur in the beginning of autumn. Just note that challenges or confusion around desires could begin at the end of the year. Subscribe to the Kyle Thomas Astrology Patreon to gain early access to PREMIUM CONTENT.

Want a personal reading? Contact Kyle Thomas here.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Good Morning America, the TODAY show, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the New York Post, Page Six, Hulu, Seventeen Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.

Kyle Thomas